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Format for Full Text and Abstract

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Title. Name surname

University / Institution Name, Faculty, Department.




 ABSTRACT: If the full-text writing language preference is in Turkish, the abstract should be written in Turkish and English, if the full-text writing language is in English, the abstract should be written in English and Turkish, and if the full-text preference is in Arabic (if possible, full text should be written in English) and in English and Arabic. In Summary, between 250-300 words will take place in paper. Keywords will be between 3 and 5 words. Summary will be written in Times New Roman 12 punto font size and single line spacing, justified margins.

 Key Words: key word, key word, key word

 NOTE: Turkish academics are required to prepare the full text of their papers in both English and Turkish.


The main text, including the introduction, will be written in Times New Roman, 12 font size, justified, with 1.5 line spacing. In the following sections of the introduction section, the main headings will be written in bold and capital letters as 1,2,3. Subtitles are bold and the first letters are capitalized 1.1., 2.1. It will be written as. Citation in the text, the surname of the author in parentheses, date: page number eg. (Surname, 2000: 15) or (Surname & Surname, 2000: 215) will be written in the text as a source representation (Surname, et al., 2000: 23).  

  1. TITLE

The tables will be included in the study as shown below. Source information of the tables to be used with permission will be located next to the table title.


Table 1: Sample example sample










Source: Example, example.



The figures will be included in the study as shown below. Source information of the figures to be used with permission will be located next to the figure title.

Figure 1: Example example example

 Equations and operations will be included in the study as shown below.

Example (1) Example - Example. Example = [A, B]

1.1. Subtitle

1.2. Subtitle

  1. TITLE

2.1. Subtitle 

  1. METHOD 



APA format will be used in the texts and bibliography.

  1. In the article, the surname of an author and the date of the publication should be written.

If the name of the author does not appear in the text (Xxxx, 2000), the name of the author does not appear in the text and is referred to a specific page (Xxxxx, 2000: 34), if the author's name is mentioned in the text (2000), if there are two authors (Xxxx and Xxxx, 2000), three and more If there are many authors (Xxxx et al., 1992), the source is cited. Letters are added to the publication year to refer to the works of the same author that have been published in the same year: (Xxxxx, 2000a). Examples of bibliography writing are below.

Footnotes should not be used to cite the text, and footnotes should be used for points that are not directly related to the subject of the article and / or disrupt the flow of the article.

The point must come after the parenthesis. A space is left after the comma and colons. It is noted that there are two points after the history.

Ex. (Xxxxx, 2000: 132).

  1. When the name of an author's book is mentioned in the article, the title of the book should be written in italics and no quotation marks should be placed.
  2. In footnotes:

see. It is referenced as xxxxx (2000).

  1. In quotations exceeding forty words: No quotation marks and start from inside.
  2. A single quotation mark within the text can only be used if there is another quote or accent in a quote. Apart from this, double quotation marks should be used in all quotes and highlights.
  3. Personal interviews should be stated in the text but should not be included in the bibliography.
  4. It is essential to reach primary sources in the studies, but if it is not reached due to some difficulties, the source quoted or quoted in the reference is indicated. Example *: (quoted from Xxxx, 2000, p. 115); (cited in Aaaaaa, 2007b, pp. 37-38). Source information in the quoted or quoted work is not included. 


Examples of bibliography writing are given below. The bibliography will be written in 10 font size with the same font as the basic text. If the source has more than one line, the line spacing will be arranged as one.

Book with Single and Double Authors

Surname, D. (2004). Book Title, City: Publisher.

Surname, D. and Surname, D. (2000) Book Title, City: Publishing House.

Edited Book

Surname, D. (2005). Title of the Book. Name Surname (Ed.), In Book Name (p. 30-45). City: Publisher.

Translation book:

Surname, S. (2000) Turkish Title of the Book, trans. S. Surname, City: Publisher.


Surname, S. (1990). Topic title in the encyclopedia. Encyclopedia of …… .. (pp. 80-120). City: Encyclopedia Printing House.

Article from the journal:

Surname, R. A. (2000, September). Title of the article, words after the first word in lowercase, Journal Title, 14 (2), 158-192

A report prepared by the institution:

Institution Name (1994). Report Name (Report No. 3). City: INSTITUTION

Paper presented to the conference:

Surname, S. (2000). Paper presented to the "Paper Title" xxxxxxx Conference,…. University, 15-17 August.

Master's or doctoral thesis:

Surname, E. (2000). Thesis Title. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). …… .. University / Institute of Social Sciences, City.

An article from the Internet:

Surname, H. (2006, April 12). Article title, reproduced ... Accessed 15 May 2006, http: // www.

Last modified on 23 Dec 2020
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