Adnan Tanrıverdi
Retired Brigadier General
ASSAM President of Board of Directors
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GREETING: (SLIDE-1) (Click Here to see ASRICA Union of Islamic States Defense Organization Presentation)
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
Elhamdülillahi Rabbil Âlemin vel akıbet-ül müttekiym. Vesselatü vesselamü alâ seyyidina ve nebiyyina Muhammedin ve âlihi ve sahbihi ecmain.
I greet my dear Professors who enlightened our congress with their presentations, my professors who undertook the management of the congress, our technical crew that constituted the technical infrastructure of our congress, and our guests who attend our congress as participant.
(SLIDE-2) As can be seen in the slide, titled as Conceived “ASRICA Islamic States Defense Organization”;
I will do my presentation under six titles.
(SLIDE-3) Conceived ASRICA Islamic States Defense Organization, Declarations [[1]] [[2]] [[3]] published as a result of three ASSAM Islamic Union Congresses and the provisions in the ASSAM Confederation of Islamic Countries Constitution (Model) [[4]] draft were taken as basis.
To present a MODEL to the ISLAMIC WORLD by determining the NECESSARY INSTITUTIONS for Islamic Countries to gather under a common will and the appropriate LEGISLATION to which these institutions will be subjected to.
(SLIDE-5) Despite the real potential of the states that form the Islamic World; Today , they are the countries whose territory is most interfered with, which engage the United Nations the most, where terrorism and anarchy are not lacking in their territory, whose resources are managed by foreign powers, where human rights and freedoms are violated, where income distribution is corrupt, where political, social and economic instability prevails, and who demand and need the help and support of external power centers to solve their internal problems.
(SLIDE-6) In the geography in which they should dominate, it has become the site of the undeclared, secret, insidious, dirty and asymmetric Third World War, in which elements of ethnic and sectarian differences within unitary state structures are fought with each other. (SLIDE-7)
(SLIDE-8) It is possible for 61 Islamic countries to get rid of the turmoil they are in and reach the power they deserve and make the world peaceful and ensure tranquility by gathering them under a will.
For the Islamic Countries to gather under a common will; (SLIDE-10)
(SLIDE-11) First;
The “Confederation of Islamic Countries” should be established by permanently forming the “Parliament of Islamic Countries”, where the Common will of 60 Islamic countries whose authority, facilities, power, structure are specified by the Constitution, laws and statutes, is represented.
(SLIDE-12) Then;
As the Confederation of Islamic countries continues to work on determining the procedures, basis and principles of justice, interior affairs, foreign policy and Defense, which are the main areas of duty of states,
“Parliaments of Regional Islamic Countries” should be established, where the common will of ethnically and geographically close Islamic States is represented. (Islamic countries can be grouped into nine separate geographies. Middle East / 12 States, Central Asia / 8 States, Near East / 4 States, South East Asia / 3 States, North Africa / 6 States, East Africa/6 States, North West Africa/10 States, South West Africa / 8 States, Europe / 4 States, Muslim States) [[5]]
(SLIDE-13) After then;
“Regional Islamic Confederations” should be transformed into Federations by strengthening the central administrations and each of them should be connected to the “Union of Islamic Countries” as a Confederate Union.
(SLIDE-14) Finally;
The central joint will must be represented in the "Parliament of the Confederation of Islamic Countries" and the common wills of the regional organizations in the "Regional Federation Parliaments of the Islamic Countries";
“Executive branches” under parliaments should be established;
In the centers of the central and regional executive bodies, "Courts of Justice" and "Immediate Intervention Forces" should be established to ensure the implementation of the decisions of the Courts of Justice;
(SLIDE-15) “An organization should be made to ensure "public order and interior security".
In order to ensure external security, "defense industry production cooperation" should be established and a "DEFENSE ALLIANCE" should be organized;
It should be organized for the determination and implementation of "common foreign policies";
"Economic cooperation" should be established;
Formation of an independent "judicial system” consisting of “Human Rights” and "Criminal Courts" for the Confederation of Islamic countries and for the Federations of regional Islamic countries;
By providing them, the “ASRICA Union of Islamic States, Confederate Republic” [[6]] will be realized.
Consequently ASSAM; (SLIDE-16-17)
Nine REGIONAL FEDERATIONS and a CONFEDERATE structure formed by these regional Islamic Federations without changing the national borders and structure of 61 Islamic Countries on the ASRICA pivot, according to their ethnic and geographical proximity. It seems possible to establish the ISLAMIC UNION by gathering under a will.
(SLIDE-18) According to this thought, the Organizational Chart of the ASRICA Union of Islamic States is presented in slide.
The Confederation Center has a Parliament consisting of representatives of 61 Islamic Countries and a Cabinet consisting of the President and six Ministers.
From Nine Federal Regions affiliated with Confederation;
IT HAS BEEN THOUGHT TO CONSIST OF First Regional Federation of Islamic Countries; 12 States,
The second is 8 States,
The third, fourth and ninth 4 States,
The fifth and Sixth 6 States,
The seventh; 9 States,
The eighth; 8 States.
(SLIDE-19) According to 2019 data, the annual world defense expenditure is one TRILLION 770 BILLION dollars.
716 BILLION DOLLARS of Total Expenditure is from USA, 224 BILLION DOLLAR from China, 191 BILLION DOLLAR from 61 ISLAMIC Countries.
In the volume of the Defense Budget, the ISLAMIC World is in the THIRD place.
As a military force, the Islamic world ranks first in the world with 4,707,550 soldiers, 28,760 tanks, 84,063 armored vehicles, 26,184 cannons and 2,577 warships. It is also in the second rank in the world after the United States with 10,986 fighter jets and 3,937 helicopters. It is also in third rank behind the United States and China with defense spending of 191 billion $.
(SLIDE-21) DEFENSE according to the ASSAM vision; It is one of the five fields of activity to be centrally run by the Confederation.
(A Conceived Model)
Under the Ministry of Defense;
It is envisaged to comprise the Chief of General Staff, Land, Sea, Air, Air Defense and Missile, Cyber and Electronic Security Commands located at the Confederation Centers, and "JOINT OPERATION COMMANDS" at Army Level, located at the center of each of the Nine Regional Federations.
(SLIDE-23) According to Article 117 of the draft constitution, with the leadership of the president of the Confederate Republic, the “Security Council of the Confederate Republic” is envisaged to be established, attended by the Vice Presidents of the Confederate Republic, the Presidents of the regional Federal Republic, the Ministers of Justice, National Defense, Interior, Foreign Affairs, the Chief of staff, the land, navy, air and Joint Force Commanders.” [[7]]
(SLIDE-24-) Submitted to the Operational Control of Joint Operations Commands and Deployed in the Centers of National States;
As a Combat and Combat Support Element;
(SLIDE-25) As a Combat Service Support Unit;
Are thought necessary to establish.
The status of the Combat, Combat Support and Combat Correspondence Support Commands assigned to the Operational Control of the Joint Operations Commands of all Regional Federations is detailed on the following slides. (SLIDE-28:36)
(SLIDE-28) 1. Under the Operational Control of the Federal District Joint Operations Command (Middle East Federation of Islamic States);
a. Affiliated to Land Forces Command; 1) One Corps Command, 2) Land Training Command 3) Logistics Support Command 4) Tactical Unit Commands at Division and Brigade Level b. Affiliated to the Command of The Navy; 1) Naval Base and Port Commands 2) Naval Logistics Support Command c. Affiliated to the Air Force Command; 1) Strategic Air Force Command 2) Missile Command 3) Tactical Air Force Command 4) Air Logistics Support Command |
5) Air Base and Airport Base Commands 6) Air Training Command d. Affiliated to Air Defense and Missile Defense Forces Command; 1) Radar Base Commands 2) Air and Missile Defense Commands 3) Logistics Support Command 4) Training Command e. Affiliated to Cyber and Electronic Security Forces Command 1) Cyber Security Command 2) Electronic Warfare Command 3) Logistics Support Command 4) Training Command |
(SLIDE-29) 2. Under the Operational Control of the Federal District Joint Operations Command
(Central Asia Federation of Islamic States)
a. Affiliated to Land Forces Command; 1) 8 Corps Command, 2) Land Training Command 3) Logistics Support Command 4) Tactical Unit Commands at Division and Brigade Level b. Affiliated to the Command of The Navy; 1) Navy Command 2) Mediterranean Fleet Command 3) Caspian Sea Fleet Command 4) Naval Base and Port Commands 5) Straits Command 6) Logistics Support Command 7) Navy Training Command c. Affiliated to the Air Force Command; 1) Strategic Air Force Command 2) Missile Command |
3) Tactical Air Force Command 4) Air Logistics Support Command 5) Air Base and Airport Base Commands 6) Air Training Command d. Affiliated to Air Defense and Missile Defense Forces Command; 1) Radar Base Commands 2) Air and Missile Defense Commands 3) Logistics Support Command 4) Training Command e. Affiliated to Cyber and Electronic Security Forces Command 1) Cyber Security Command 2) Electronic Warfare Command 3) Logistics Support Command 4) Training Command |
(SLIDE-30) 3. Under the Operational Control of the Federal District Joint Operations Command
(Near East Federation of Islamic States);
a. Affiliated to Land Forces Command; 1) Four Corps Command, 2) Land Training Command 3) Logistics Support Command 4) Tactical Unit Commands at Division and Brigade Level b. Affiliated to the Command of The Navy; 1) Navy Command 2) ASIAN Fleet Command 3) Naval Base and Port Commands 4) Logistics Support Command 5) Navy Training Command c. Affiliated to the Air Force Command; 1) Strategic Air Force Command 2) Missile Command 3) Tactical Air Force Command |
4) Air Logistics Support Command 5) Air Base and Airport Base Commands 6) Air Training Command d. Affiliated to Air Defense and Missile Defense Forces Command; 1) Radar Base Commands 2) Air and Missile Defense Commands 3) Logistics Support Command 4) Training Command e. Affiliated to Cyber and Electronic Security Forces Command; 1) Cyber Security Command 2) Electronic Warfare Command 3) Logistics Support Command 4) Training Command |
(SLIDE-31) 4. Under the Operational Control of the Federal District Joint Operations Command
(South East Asia Federation of Islamic States);
a. Affiliated to Land Forces Command; 1) Four Corps Command, 2) Land Training Command 3) Logistics Support Command 4) Tactical Unit Commands at Division and Brigade Level b. Affiliated to the Command of The Navy; 1) Navy Command 2) Pacific Fleet Command 3) Naval Base and Port Commands 4) Logistics Support Command 5) Training Command c. Affiliated to the Air Force Command; 1) Strategic Air Force Command 2) Missile Command 3) Tactical Air Force Command |
4) Air Logistics Support Command 5) Air Base and Airport Base Commands 6) Air Training Command d. Affiliated to Air Defense and Missile Defense Forces Command; 1) Radar Base Commands 2) Air and Missile Defense Commands 3) Logistics Support Command 4) Training Command e. Affiliated to Cyber and Electronic Security Forces Command 1) Cyber Security Command 2) Electronic Warfare Command 3) Logistics Support Command 4) Training Command |
(SLIDE-32) 5. Under the Operational Control of the Federal District Joint Operations Command
(North Africa Federation of Islamic States);
a. Affiliated to Land Forces Command; 1) Three Corps Command, 2) Land Training Command 3) Logistics Support Command 4) Tactical Unit Commands at Division and Brigade Level b. Affiliated to the Command of The Navy; 1) Naval Base and Port Commands 2) Logistics Support Command c. Affiliated to the Air Force Command; 1) Strategic Air Force Command 2) Missile Command 3) Tactical Air Force Command 4) Air Logistics Support Command |
5) Air Base and Airport Base Commands 6) Air Training Command d. Affiliated to Air Defense and Missile Defense Forces Command; 1) Radar Base Commands 2) Air and Missile Defense Commands 3) Logistics Support Command 4) Training Command e. Affiliated to Cyber and Electronic Security Forces Command 1) Cyber Security Command 2) Electronic Warfare Command 3) Logistics Support Command 4) Training Command |
(SLIDE-33) 6. Under the Operational Control of the Federal District Joint Operations Command
(East Africa -Red Sea Basin- Federation of Islamic States);
a. Affiliated to Land Forces Command; 1) Four Corps Command, 2) Land Training Command 3) Logistics Support Command 4) Tactical Unit Commands at Division and Brigade Level b. Affiliated to the Command of The Navy; 1) Naval Base and Port Commands 2) Logistics Support Command c. Affiliated to the Air Force Command; 1) Strategic Air Force Command 2) Missile Command 3) Tactical Air Force Command 4) Air Logistics Support Command |
5) Air Base and Airport Base Commands 6) Air Training Command d. Affiliated to Air Defense and Missile Defense Forces Command; 1) Radar Base Commands 2) Air and Missile Defense Commands 3) Logistics Support Command 4) Training Command e. Affiliated to Cyber and Electronic Security Forces Command; 1) Cyber Security Command 2) Electronic Warfare Command 3) Logistics Support Command 4) Training Command |
(SLIDE-34) 7. Under the Operational Control of the Federal District Joint Operations Command
(North West Africa-South America Federation of Islamic States);
a. Affiliated to Land Forces Command; 1) Five Corps Command, 2) Land Training Command 3) Logistics Support Command 4) Tactical Unit Commands at Division and Brigade Level b. Affiliated to the Command of The Navy; 1) Navy Command 2) Naval Base and Port Commands 3) Logistics Support Command 4) Navy Training Command 5) Atlas Fleet Command 6) Straits Command c. Affiliated to the Air Force Command; 1) Strategic Air Force Command 2) Missile Command 3) Tactical Air Force Command |
4) Air Logistics Support Command 5) Air Base and Airport Base Commands 6) Air Training Command d. Affiliated to Air Defense and Missile Defense Forces Command; 1) Radar Base Commands 2) Air and Missile Defense Commands 3) Logistics Support Command 4) Training Command e. Affiliated to Cyber and Electronic Security Forces Command 1) Cyber Security Command 2) Electronic Warfare Command 3) Logistics Support Command 4) Training Command |
(SLIDE-35) 8. Under the Operational Control of the Federal District Joint Operations Command
(South West Africa Federation of Islamic States);
a. Affiliated to Land Forces Command; 1) Three Corps Command, 2) Land Training Command 3) Logistics Support Command 4) Tactical Unit Commands at Division and Brigade Level b. Affiliated to the Command of The Navy; 1) Naval Base and Port Commands 2) Logistics Support Command c. Affiliated to the Air Force Command; 1) Strategic Air Force Command 2) Missile Command 3) Tactical Air Force Command 4) Air Logistics Support Command |
5) Air Base and Airport Base Commands 6) Air Training Command d. Affiliated to Air Defense and Missile Defense Forces Command; 1) Radar Base Commands 2) Air and Missile Defense Commands 3) Logistics Support Command 4) Training Command e. Affiliated to Cyber and Electronic Security Forces Command; 1) Cyber Security Command 2) Electronic Warfare Command 3) Logistics Support Command 4) Training Command |
(SLIDE-36) 9. Under the Operational Control of the Federal District Joint Operations Command
(Europe Federation of Islamic States);
a. Affiliated to Land Forces Command; 1) Four Corps Command, 2) Land Training Command 3) Logistics Support Command 4) Tactical Unit Commands at Division and Brigade Level b. Affiliated to the Command of The Navy; 1) Naval Base and Port Commands 2) Logistics Support Command c. Affiliated to the Air Force Command; 1) Strategic Air Force Command 2) Missile Command 3) Tactical Air Force Command 4) Air Logistics Support Command |
5) Air Base and Airport Base Commands 6) Air Training Command d. Affiliated to Air Defense and Missile Defense Forces Command; 1) Radar Base Commands 2) Air and Missile Defense Commands 3) Logistics Support Command 4) Training Command e. Affiliated to Cyber and Electronic Security Forces Command; 1) Cyber Security Command 2) Electronic Warfare Command 3) Logistics Support Command 4) Training Command |
The type and quantity of land, navy and air main battle vehicles will be determined to meet the threat to Federation districts.
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