Congress Main Topics

Topics related to the principles and procedures of Economic Cooperation for the Islamic Union will be examined under the heading “Islamic Economy and Common Economic Systems”.

The purpose of this Congress;

is to determine and develop the economic cooperation opportunities between Islamic Countries in the light of the provisions guiding economic life in Islamic Jurisprudence on the way to Islamic Union.

The topics of the declarations submitted by the academics attending the Second International ASSAM Islamic Union Congress shall be examined under the following headings for the clarification of the topics in Criteria for Determining the Economic Strength;

  • Economics of Islam

  • Economic Potentials and Structural Characteristics of Islamic Countries

  • Economic and Commercial Cooperation Between Islamic Countries

  • Trade Volume and Potential Among Islamic Countries

  • Fundamental Economic Problems in Islamic Countries

  • Enhancing Cooperation Among Islamic Countries

  • Cooperation in Financial Sector




a.     The provisions guiding economic life in Islamic jurisprudence (in Qur'an and Sunnah).

1)    Concepts and Methodology of Islamic Economics

2)    Consumption and Production in Islamic Economics

3)    Role of State in Islamic Economics Model

4)    Insurance in Islamic Economics Model

5)    Interest-Free Banking in Islamic Economic Model

6)    Application of Zakat in Islamic Economic Model and Fiscal Policy

7)    Economic Development in the Islamic Economic Model

8)    Economic Cooperation Between Islamic Countries

b.     The Labor Force of the Islamic Countries;

1)     Workforce Policy

2)    Workforce Training

3)    Workforce Status

4)    Unemployment

5)    Workers go abroad and come back

6)    Working Conditions and Procedures

7)    Employee-Employer, Employee-State relations

c.     Production items and capacities of Islamic Countries

1)    Agricultural product production items and capacities

a)    Agricultural Policies, Development Programs, Realization Rates

b)    The Effect of Agricultural Technology on Productivity

c)     Activities and Production of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Fishing, and Forestry

d)    Sufficiency Status of Agricultural Products

2)    Industrial Product Production Items and Capacities

a)    Industrialization policies

b)    Industry Sectors, Output

c)     Distribution of Workers in the Industry to the Labor and Industry Branches

d)    Underground Mines

e)     Energy Production and Sufficiency Status

f)      Defense Industry Production

I.               Production of war weapons, tools and equipment

II.            External Dependence as Defense Industry

III.          Strategic Materials and Stocks

3)    Trade Capacities

a)    Domestic and Foreign Trade Policies

b)    Trading Companies and Professional Organizations

c)     Price Movements

d)    Import and Export Goods and Related Countries

e)     Restrictions on Foreign Trade, Sensitivity of the Economy of Country

f)      Related International Economic Organizations

g)    Balance of Payments

4)    Tourism and Promotion

a)    Tourism Policy and Education

b)    Inbound Tourists to the Country

c)     Tourism Promotion Activities

d)    Tourism Agreements

e)     Hotels, Motels and Camping Areas

f)      Projects

5)    Fiscal Policies

a)    Budget, Emission Status, Currency Value, Gold and Foreign Currency Status, Loans

b)    Aspects of Budget Changes Compared to Previous Years

c)     Fiscal and Monetary Policies of States

d)    Invested Areas and Their Distribution by Production Sites

d.     Export Items and Capacities of Islamic Countries

1)    Agricultural Product Export Items and Capacities

2)    Industrial Product Export Items and Capacities

e.     Import Items and Capacities of Islamic Countries

1)    Agricultural Product Import Items and Capacities

2)    Industrial Product Import Items and Capacities

f.      National Income and Distribution of Islamic Countries

g.     Fundamentals and principles of economic cooperation implemented between the world countries

h. Fundamentals and principles of economic cooperation that can be established between Islamic countries

Last modified on 22 Jul 2018