6th Congress Decleration



(November 12-13, 2022)

   1. AIM

We declare that the welfare of the Muslim Nations, the security and survival of the states they have established, the establishment and maintenance of peace in the world; for the dominance of justice and for the Islamic World to re-emerge on the stage of history as a superpower, the ISLAMIC COUNTRIES that accept the ASIA-AFRICA, that is, the “ASRICA” Geography as the axis, must be gathered under a will, and for this, the “PARLIAMENT OF THE ISLAMIC COUNTRIES” is urgently to be established; and the implementation of the ISLAMIC COUNTRIES ECONOMIC COOPERATION SYSTEM BASED ON ISLAMIC ECONOMICS, which will enable the Islamic World to reach the economic power it deserves; the necessity of COMMON DEFENSE INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION; the establishment of the JOINT DEFENSE SYSTEM, FOREIGN POLICY, DOMESTIC SECURITY AND POSITION, AND JUSTICE SYSTEM must be carried out FROM THE CENTER.

NINE REGIONAL FEDERATIONS and a CONFEDERAL structure formed by these regional Islamic Federations without changing the national borders and structure of 57 Islamic countries (28 Asia, 25 Africa, 4 Europe) on the ASRICA pivot, according to their ethnic and geographical proximity. It seems possible to establish the ISLAMIC UNION by gathering under a will.



57 of 206 states around the world (29% of the number of members) are Muslim Countries.

1,859,779,580 of the world population of 7,916,525,000 (23.49% of the world population) is the people of Muslim States, 30.9 million km2 of the world land which is 150 million km2 (20.6% of the Lands) are the lands of 57 Islamic Countries. (Map 1)

Map 1. Model ASRICA Islamic Countries Confederation Geography

Islamic geography, with the bloc they form when the borders between them are ignored:

  • Which is located in the center of the continents of Asia, Europe and Africa, known as the world island;
  • Which is controlling the Gibraltar, Bab El-Mendeb, Çanakkale and Istanbul straits and the Suez Canal, which are considered the gateways to the Mediterranean, Red Sea and Black Sea, which is the world's largest inland seas,
  • Which have coasts to the Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Mediterranean, Black Sea and Caspian Sea;
  • Which is bordered by land and sea to the continents of Asia, Europe and Africa, to the great powers of the world such as the European Union, Russia, India and China, and to the United States by sea;
  • Which have the opportunity to be the center of the land, air and sea transportation routes without alternatives;
  • which owns 55.5% of the world's oil reserves, 46.5% of its production also 64.1% of natural gas reserves, 34% [[i]] of its production;

While the Islamic World ranks first in the world with its surface area and population, it has the potential to be among the top three among the world's superpowers by combining its tools, efforts and targets, considering its geopolitical location, common values, historical background, defense budget, number of war weapons and equipment.

It is possible for 57 Islamic countries to get rid of the turmoil they are in and reach the power they deserve and make the world peaceful and ensure tranquility by gathering them under a will.




Although the UN was established for the purposes of raising world peace, security, social progress, raising living standards, supporting human rights, developing friendly relations, preventing wars and threats to peace, establishing friendly relations between countries, and ensuring international economic and social cooperation, It functions as an organization that is used to manage the world, especially the Islamic world and its possibilities, in accordance with the interests of the five states that won the World War II (USA, England, France, Russia, China).



Considering the situation of oil and natural gas fields around the world, the US's interest in these regions of the Islamic geography becomes clear in its strategic preferences. Considering the geostrategic structures that this country has developed by using all geopolitical doctrines as a global power, it tries to provide its control superiority from the control of the seas to the control of the land, and finally from the control of air and space to the control of the whole world, by using the ECHELON NETWORK system, with its inimitable technological advantage.

While making global control calculations from a strategic point of view, the worldwide deployment areas and military responsibility areas of the US armed forces within the power variable have also gained importance for ensuring this control.

This country, which is a global power, has organized its military power at a global level so that the PETRO/DOLLAR axis on which its economic structure is shaped is not weakened. 

The USA has 139 military bases (Land-Navy-Air) deployed at 1189 facilities around the world.

               a) US NAVAL BASES

  1. In Pacific Region: Japan (5), Okinawa Island, Mariana Islands, Guam Island, Marshall Islands, Midway Island, Hawaii Island, Samoa Island, South Korea.
  2. In the Atlantic Ocean: England, Spain, Iceland, Cuba, Puerto Rico.
  3. In Mediterranean Region Italy (4).
  4. In Atlantic Region:Guantanamo, Panama, Sao Tome Bases.
  5. In the Indian Ocean Region: Diego Garcia, Horn of Africa.
  6. In Europe: England, France.
  7. In Middle East: Bahrain.

               b) US AIR BASES AROUND THE WORLD [[ii]]

Honduras, Ecuador, Puerto Rico (USA), Azores, Greenland “Thule”, Panama, Norway, Iceland, Great Britain (3), Belgium, Netherlands, Germany (4), Spain, Italy, Portugal, Hungary, Greece, Türkiye, Southern Cyprus “Eng.”, Egypt, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, "Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan are the problematic bases"... Singapore, Japan (3), Guam, South Korea (2), Taiwan, Australia, Cocos Island, Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, Kenya, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Uganda, Central African Republic, South Sudan, Algeria, Niger, Mauritania, Chad, Nigeria, Mali, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Senegal.


Panama, Puerto Rico, Germany (23), Belgium (2), Netherlands, England, Italy, Spain, Japan (3), South Korea (5).


The USA supports the effectiveness of the military bases it has established to control energy resources and transportation routes around the world, with the information obtained through the electronic system it has established.

“This electronic network was established in 1948, at the beginning of the Cold War. They are grouped as Anglo-Saxon countries around the world (plus Germany, Denmark, Norway and Türkiye). The system, which handles 3 billion data per day through “telephone and satellite calls”, was directed “TO THE EXTREMELY SUSPICIOUS OF SUPPORTING ANGLOSAXON COMPANIES” after September 11, 2001, to collect economic information before it was put into the service of the fight against terrorism.” [[iii]]

THE USA ECHELON NETWORK Regions and Fields Around the World

  1. Atlantic Region the USA Fields
  2. Pacific Region the USA Fields
  3. Canada RegionFields
  4. British Fields
  5. Australia Fields
  6. New Zealand Fields


Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Republic of South Africa, Sierra Leone, Kenya.


United Arab Emirates, Lebanon, Djibouti, Gabon, Chad, Senegal, Ivory Coast, Central African Republic.


Syria, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Tajikistan.


It has a naval base in Djibouti in July 2017.

On March 31, 2021, it signed a "strategic partnership" agreement with Iran that will last 25 years.

It created a “Policy Fund” with a volume of 500 billion dollars in order to revive the historical silk road with the name of “Belt and Road Initiative” and allocated this fund for the use of two front engineering, transportation and construction companies. Through these companies, China;

               a) China-Pakistan-Afghanistan-Iran-Türkiye (Izmir),

               b) China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan-Turkmenistan-Azerbaijan-Türkiye (Edirne),

is trying to connect it to Europe through it.

It has allocated 54 billion dollars for the China-Pakistan Corridor and has been authorized to construct and operate the land, rail and sea transportation in Pakistan entirely by Chinese personnel.

It is making great efforts to make the same agreement with other countries on the “Belt and Road Initiative”. It invests in Greece's Piraeus Port, Israel's Haifa and Ashod Ports, Türkiye's Ambarlı-Kumport Port regarding the Control of the Eastern Mediterranean and negotiates with Southern Cyprus for infrastructure investments. [[iv]] With the resources it allocates from the same Fund, it also invests in the construction and operation of transportation systems in African countries and the demining of underground resources and mines.    


Armenia, South Sudan.           




Private armies, private military companies, special consultancy and support companies and private security companies, which are under the control of global powers, mostly belonging to the USA, are active in five continents of the world.

The USA has 70 private military companies in 19 countries, the UK has 10, Russia has 7, Australia has 2, Canada has 2, South Africa and Germany have one.


           1) IRAN–IRAQ WAR [[v]] (Map 2)

Map 2. Iran-Iraq and First and Second Gulf Wars

The Shatt al-Arab waterway, which is the junction point of the Euphrates and Tigris rivers, which was left to Iraq with the Border Agreement made in 1937, has been the cause of conflict between the two countries for many years.

With the agreement signed between Saddam Hussein and Iranian Shah Pahlavi on 06 March 1975, the Iran-Iraq secret was determined as the deepest point of Shatt al-Arab and the problem was resolved,

The revolution and the change of administration in Iran on February 11, 1979 marked the beginning of the crisis between Baghdad and Tehran. The war started with Saddam Hussein's attack on Abadan and Khorramshahr on September 22, 1980. While Türkiye maintained its neutrality in this war, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf countries occupied Iraq, and Syria occupied Iran.

The war, which started with the victories of Iraq, turned into a war of attrition with the resistance of Iran and ended with the decision of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) dated 20 August 1988 without being victorious.

Eight years of war caused one million deaths and 150 billion dollars of economic damage.

Saddam ordered the HALABJA and ANFAL massacres to punish the Kurdish Political Parties in Northern Iraq that supported Iran during the War, and thousands of people lost their lives in this attack, in which chemical weapons were also used.


               a) GULF WAR;

On 02 August 1990, Iraq invaded Kuwait.

On January 16-February 28, 1991, under the leadership of the USA, coalition forces consisting of 34 countries carried out an AIR AND LAND OPERATION and recaptured Kuwait from Iraq.

500,000 Northern Iraqis have sought refuge in Türkiye because of Saddam's persecution.

In April 1991, the north of the 36th parallel for the Kurdish region of Northern Iraq and the south of the 32nd parallel for the Shiite region were forbidden to Iraqi aircrafts. This also resulted in the formation of a de facto Kurdish administration in Northern Iraq.

An international military force called “Joint Task Force-Operation Hammer” was based in Türkiye on April 05, 1991, and left Türkiye on March 21, 2003 due to the 2nd Gulf Operation. Meanwhile, the USA took 5,000 Iraqi Kurds with their families to the island of Guam in the Ocean.

               b) SECOND GULF WAR AND ISIS:

On July 10, 2002, the CIA team entered Iraq and prepared the Kurds for the invasion by discouraging some generals who might oppose the invasion from resisting, organizing the peshmerga and conducting the necessary reconnaissance in the region.

On March 20, 2003, the USA invaded Iraq together with the England.

The aim of the invasion was declared as overthrowing Saddam Hussein's regime, reaching weapons of mass destruction, purging Islamist terrorist groups, securing oil infrastructure, and making Iraq a model for Middle Eastern countries.

41 states took part in the anti-Iraq Coalition.(USA, England, Poland, Australia, South Korea, Italy, Georgia, Ukraine, Netherlands, Spain, Romania, Japan, Denmark, Bulgaria, Thailand, El Salvador, Honduras, Dominican Republic, Hungary, Czech Republic, Azerbaijan, Albania, Nicaragua, Mongolia, Singapore, Norway, Latvia, Portugal, Lithuania, Slovakia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, New Zealand, Tonga, Philippines, Armenia, Estonia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Iceland).

Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, who brought the first core and idea of al-Qaeda to Iraq, came to Iraq in 2003 before the US invasion and formed the “Jama'at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad”.

On October 17, 2004, “Tawhid and Jihad Community” united with its predecessor, [[vi]]“Mujahideen Community” and its name became “Al-Qaeda in the Rafidain Countries”. The “Mujahideen Shura Council” was established on January 15, 2006. On June 7, 2006, “Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi” was killed with his family in an American military operation. The Mujahideen Shura Council brought “Abu-Omar al-Baghdadi” to the head of the organization and changed the name of the organization to “ISLAMIC STATE OF IRAQ” on October 15, 2006.

On April 19, 2010 Abu Omar al-Baghdadi and his deputy Abu Ayyub al-Masri (Al-Qaeda Headquarters Officer) were killed.

On May 16, 2010 The Council of the Islamic State of Iraq convened and elected “Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi” as the leader. (There are claims that his real name is “Simon Elliot” and an Israeli Mossad agent, his fake name is "Ibrahim bin awad bin Ibrahim al Hussein al-- Badri Ravazi, and his nickname is “Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi".)

The US withdrew from Iraq, which it occupied in 2003, on December 15, 2011, and the protection of the remaining US assets was left to 8 US private security companies. [[vii]]

The USA, which sent troops to Iraq again in 2014 to fight against DAESH, announced that it would end its combatant military presence in Iraq by the end of 2021, excluding those providing training and consultancy services. [[viii]]

During the Occupation, one million civilians lost their lives, 4.7 million people were displaced, and the de facto “Iraqi Kurdish Regional Government” was formed in Northern Iraq.

           2) SYRIAN REVOLUTION AND ISIS [[ix]] (Map 3)

The protest demonstrations, which started in Daraa, Syria on March 15, 2011 and turned into a civil war in a short time with the harsh response of the regime, spread throughout the country, and today it has become impossible to find a Syrian who has not been bombed, who has not lost a relative, who has not been away from his family.

Map 3. Last Situation of Parties in Syria

Al-Qaeda members, most of whom were in prison when the civil war started, have become organizations that control parts of the land with the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS-DAESH), Hay'at - Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) or different combatant groups.

The Democratic Union Party (PYD), which did not have an organized armed force when the war started, has become a force that has support from the USA and Russia, has representation in Western capitals and controls more than a quarter of the country.

Critical turning points that brought the civil war in Syria to the present:

The Free Syrian Army was established by the opposition on 1-30 July 2011, and the demonstrations turned into a civil war.

The People's Defense Units (YPG), which was formed in July 2012 from the armed members of the Democratic Union Party (PYD), the PKK's Syrian branch, has become a dominant force in Afrin, Ayn al-Arab (Kobani) and Qamishli.

On February 14, 2013, Iran's presence in Syria, which supports Bashar Assad, was officially announced and the course of the war changed in favor of Assad.

Sarin gas was used by the Assad administration in the rural areas of Damascus on August 21, 2013, and the opposition of the USA, which declared the use of chemicals as a red line, started to support them.

Commanders of Ahrar Al-Sham, Sukur Al-Sham, Al-Tawhid Brigade, Islamic Army, Al-Hak Brigade, Ansar Al-Sham Battalions and Kurdish Islamic Front, which are the strongest of the Islamic Groups announced that they were united under the name of “ISLAMIC FRONT” on November 22, 2013.

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi announced its new name as “Islamic State of Iraq and Syria(DAESH-ISIS) on April 09, 2013, increased the number of fighters to 30 thousand and captured Raqqa in January 2014. 

The USA, which supports the YPG in Syria, started to bombard DAESH, which besieged Ayn Al - Arab, from the air on September 23, 2014.

Russia, which supported the Damascus government and saw the jihadists as a threat to itself, became directly involved in the war on 30 September 2015.

Türkiye launched the Euphrates Shield Operation on August 24, 2016, in order to prevent the building of a bridge between the two YPG regions and to put an end to the DAESH threat on its border, and in 2018, it carried out the "Operation Olive Branch" in Afrin. For Türkiye, the most important priority in Syria has been the YPG.

On May 4, Russia, Iran and Türkiye decided to “form four de-escalation zones” (Idlib, Rastan-Talbiseh, Eastern Ghouta, Daraa-Quneitra) in the areas where the opposition is located, at the meeting in Nur Sultan (Astana), the capital of Kazakhstan.

With no territory left to ISIS, the United States announced it would withdraw from Syria in December 2018, but only withdrew 1,000 troops due to the backlash.

Türkiye launched the “Peace Spring Operation” against the YPG on October 09, 2019; the operation ended within two weeks with agreements reached first with the USA and then with Russia; It was decided to withdraw the YPG from the border to a depth of 30 kilometers and to have Russian and Syrian armies in this region; However, after the YPG did not withdraw completely, Claw-Lightning and Claw-Thunderbolt operations on April 24, 2021, and Operation Claw-Lock against terrorist targets in the Metina-Zap-Ayasin regions were carried out on April 18, 2022.

With the Claw-Sword Air Operation launched on November 19, 2022 after the YPG harassed the Turkish border troops and the civilian population, the terrorist organization's approach to the border and many targets were destroyed.

In the country with a population of 22 million in 2011, 600 thousand people lost their lives in 10 years, and more than 6.7 million Syrians, most of whom had to live in tents or in unhealthy conditions, were internally displaced. More than 5.6 million refugees, 3.6 million of whom live in Türkiye, also left Syria.

Syria (Map 3);

is the region where the opposition controls the Idlib-Afrin-Jarablus line in the northwest.

Secondly, it is the region under the control of the Syrian Democratic Forces, of which the PYD forms the backbone.

Thirdly, it is the region under the control of the Government, including the areas dominated by Iranian militias.

Syria, which is actually divided into three, continues to be the host of the war at the end of 10 years.

           3) DEVELOPMENTS IN LIBYA [[x]] (Map 4)

Map 4. Developments in Libya

The “Arab Spring”, which started in Tunisia, reached Libya on February 17, 2011, and dozens of people lost their lives in the mass demonstrations. 

On March 19, 2011, the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) decided to declare a no-fly zone to be implemented by NATO, and after the decision, a large number of NATO and Arab countries began air strikes on Libya.

August 21, 2011: With the contribution of NATO bombing, the opposition entered the capital Tripoli, Libyan Leader Gaddafi was killed by opposition fighters in his hometown Sirte on October 20, 2011, and the administration in Libya was given to the “National Transitional Council”.

The first general elections were held between July and August 2012, and the “National Transitional Council” handed over the task to the “General National Congress”(GNC).

September 11, 2012: In the events that started on the grounds that a movie shared on the Internet in the USA insulted the Prophet Muhammad, armed groups attacked US Consulate in Benghazi, the US Ambassador and 3 American security guards were killed. 

On February 14, 2014, General Haftar attempted an unsuccessful coup attempt, and the government described Haftar's attempt as a “Failed Coup Attempt”.

GNC declared that it did not recognize the elections, citing the low turnout in the general elections held on 25 June 2014. Clashes broke out between the supporters of the GNC and the House of Representatives groups formed as a result of the new election. On the grounds that he could not work in Tripoli, the new House of Representatives moved to Tobruk, and armed clashes broke out between the two parliamentary groups in Libya.

Groups affiliated with DAESH took over the administration in the port city of Derna and also dominated Sirte.

In accordance with the “Libya Political Agreement” reached in Skhirat, Morocco, on 17 December 2015 with the initiatives of the United Nations (UN), the Presidential Council of the Government of National Accord (GNA) was established. It was recognized as the sole legitimate representative of Libya by the UN Security Council, but the process stalled because the government lists presented by the Council were not approved in the House of Representatives in Tobruk as a result of the pressures of Khalifa Haftar.

On April 4, 2019, the leader of the militia forces in eastern Libya, Khalifa Haftar, launched an operation to seize the capital Tripoli, which is under the control of the GNA. Despite the support of France, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Egypt and Russia, Khalifa Haftar could not make any significant progress in the conflicts that lasted for more than 8 months.

           4) THE SITUATION IN YEMEN [[xi]] (Map 5)

Map 5. 2021 Situation Map of Parties in Yemen

As a result of the demonstrations that started in Yemen on February 11, 2011, with the effect of the Arab Spring, President Ali Abdullah Saleh left his office. The transition process started with the Presidency in February 2012 and the National Transitional Council Government established, and a 22-member Board was established on 18 March 2013 with the initiative of the United Nations and the Gulf Cooperation Council.

On February 02, 2014, it was decided to divide Yemen into six federal regions, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Bahrain, Kuwait and Oman, as well as the permanent representatives of the UNSC, USA, Russia, France, England and China supported the decision.

After the process, the Houthi movement, armed with Iranian support, pressured President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi to dissolve the government and replace it with a Government of National Unity, and when their demands were not accepted, they seized the capital Sanaa on September 21, 2014.

On January 20, 2015, the Houthis besieged President Hadi Thursday, January 22, 2015 residence and the Presidential Palace, who did not fulfill their demands. Hadi resigned from his duty on January 22, 2015, by not fulfilling the demands of the Houthis.

On March 01, 2015, conflict began between pro-Hadi forces and the Houthis, and upon Hadi's request, the coalition formed under the leadership of Saudi Arabia started an operation against the Houthis and pro-Salih forces on March 26, 2015.

The West of Yemen is under the control of the HOUTHIS, which is supported by Iran, the Aden-based SOUTH TRANSITION COUNCIL, of which South is supported by the UAE, and the rest of the region is under the control of the CENTRAL GOVERNMENT of YEMEN, which is supported by Saudi Arabia.

Since the conflicts intensified in 2015, the loss of the parties has reached 20 thousand, while 75% of the population lives in poverty at the poverty line.

           5) PALESTINE ISSUE [[xii]] [[xiii]] (Map 6)

Map 6. Palestinian Territories over the Years

The first spiritual bond established between Islam and Jerusalem as the first qibla of Muslims was strengthened by the Isra incident of our Prophet (pbuh.), and this Holy City was conquered by Muslims in 636 Gregorian in the time of Hazrat Omar.

The city, which came under the rule of the Seljuks in 1071, was occupied by the Crusaders in 1099, was taken back by Salah al-Din Yusuf ibn Ayyub in 1187 after 88 years of crusader rule, and after being under the rule of France for 11 years between 1233-1244, it was again captured by the Ayyubids.

Al-Quds-i Sharif; After the Mongol invasion in 1243, it was taken by the Mamluks in 1259, and after the conquest of Egypt by Selim I in 1517, it came under the Ottoman Administration together with Palestine.

In 1799, French General Napoleon Bonaparte put forward the idea of establishing a Jewish state in Palestine under Ottoman rule; In 1879, the First Zionism Congress convened in Basel, Switzerland; In 1896, journalist Theodor Herzl advocated the establishment of Jewish State in his book and developed this idea especially against anti-Semitism in Europe.

At the end of the congress, in the Basel Program published, the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine and the activation of the World Zionist Organization to achieve this goal were envisaged.

Before 1897, very few Zionist immigrants began to arrive in the region. By 1903, the number of Jewish immigrants, mostly from Eastern Europe, had reached 25,000 and they started to live in the region with nearly half a million Arab residents.

Between 1904 and 1914, a second wave of 40,000 immigrants came to Palestine, which was a part of the Ottoman Empire.

After 400 years of Ottoman rule;

It was captured by the British on 09 December 1917, and the British, who established a mandate in Palestine, made Jerusalem the capital of Palestine; After Israel established the Occupation State, the British withdrew from Palestine in 1948.

From this date on, the Arab-Israeli Conflicts began; 1948 Arab–Israeli War, 1956 Suez Crisis, 1967 Six-Day War, 1973 Yom Kippur War, Lebanese Civil War, 09 December 1987-1993 Palestinian Uprising (Intifada), September 2000- February 2005 Second Palestinian Uprising (Intifada), 2006 Lebanon War, 27 December 2008 Gaza War, August 2011 southern Israel cross-border attacks, 08 July 2014 Gaza War, 06 May 2021 Israel–Palestine crisis consecutively.

Israel, which occupied the whole of Palestine in the 1967 War, has now dominated Al-Quds al-Sharif and Masjid al-Aqsa. The state of Palestine, which is not recognized by the world as an independent state, has come under the sovereignty of Israel completely. Land, sea and air contact with the outside world has been cut off, and the entrances and exits of the settlements in the hands of the Palestinian people have been taken under control by the Israeli army and security forces. The Palestinian settlements, which were turned into cantons that were cut off from each other, were surrounded by thick and high walls, taken under control and completely pacified.

In the Palestinian Territory, it is made of steel equipped with cameras and electronic devices installed at intersections and critical points of intercity highways, controlled by means of high observation towers where Israeli soldiers stand guard.

New “Jewish Settlements” were built around the Palestinian Territories, as modern sites, surrounded by high wired fences, and also serving as a base for the security forces.

As the entrances and exits of the Palestinian Settlement Areas are controlled; Entrances and exits to holy places such as Masjid al-Aqsa and Harem-i İbrahim are controlled by guard posts and police stations established by the Israeli soldiers and security forces. Young Palestinians are not allowed to regularly pray five times a day in Masjid al-Aqsa, and those who do not abide by the ban are detected by cameras, and a two-month ban from entering Masjid al-Aqsa is imposed. Masjid al-Aqsa of which maintenance and repair was at the mercy of Israel, was turned into a sad and derelict temple.

Israel's occupation of Palestine has been the longest occupation of our age, and throughout this occupation, the Palestinian people have been subjected to torture, extrajudicial executions, murders, civilian massacres, systematic abuses and exiles defined as genocide.

Today, 85% of the 27 thousand square kilometers of Palestinian land is occupied by Israel.

           6) EASTERN TURKESTAN ISSUE (Map 7)

Map 7. Map of Eastern Turkestan under Chinese Occupation

East Turkestan, which was occupied four times by CHINA (1579; 1876; 1937; 1949), gained its independence three times (1863; 1933; 1944), but the occupation, which was made with the approval of Stalin in 1949, continues until today. China-East Turkestan relations have always been influenced by Ottoman-Russian and USSR-Türkiye relations.

Since 2017, CHINA has been implementing a policy of destruction in East Turkestan, similar to the assimilation practices that left no Muslim in Europe against the Andalusian Umayyad State in Spain. The USA and the Christian West support the assimilation policies of CHINA. The people of East Turkestan, who are trying to live through Islam in an exemplary way at the cost of their lives, are waiting for the time when Islamic countries will gather under a will and help them in order to get rid of the oppression of CHINA.

           7) KASHMIR ISSUE [[xiv]] (Map 8)

Map 8. Map of Kashmir under Indian Occupation

KASHMIR, located in the South Asian Region between Pakistan, India and China and divided between these three countries, has 222,200 km2 of land; with the British withdrawal in 1947, after the partition of the Indian subcontinent, it has become an unsolved problem between two separate independent countries, India and Pakistan.

The southern part of Kashmir, including Srinagar and Jammu Cities, forms the Indian state of JAMMU and KASHMIR (According to the 2011 census, 68.3% of the 12.5 million population is Muslim, 28.4% is Hindu, 1% is Buddhist), the northern region and the part known as AZAD KASHMIR is under the control of Pakistan, while the eastern part of it is under the control of China, which is less populated and mountainous.

While Britain withdrew from India, it freed Kashmir, which is 90% Muslim and ruled by principality, to unite with Pakistan or India. Although the Kashmiri people took a stand in favor of joining Pakistan, the prince of the time decided to unite with India, but the Muslim Kashmiri people opposed the decision.

In the face of the developments, Pakistan and India sent troops to the region, and the Kashmir issue, the first in 1948, caused war between Pakistan and India in 1965 and 1999.

Since article 370 of the Indian Constitution, which accepted this situation of JAMMU and KASHMIR, which gained its autonomy in 1947, was amended on 05 August 2019, this move is interpreted as India's preparation to add JAMMU and KASHMIR to Indian lands. 

India's latest decision is interpreted as a move that further increases the current tension.

           8) SITUATION IN AFGHANISTAN (Map 9)

Map 9. Map of Afghanistan


Following the communist regime that came to power with a coup on April 27, 1978, the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan on December 27, 1979. The Afghan people, who stood up against the local communists, started to resist the USSR occupation.

The financial support of the Gulf countries and the weapons purchased from China strengthened the resistance. The Afghan-Soviet War enabled the concepts of “Jihad” and “Mujahideen” to be circulated by the international media. With the encouragement of the Gulf and Arab countries, thousands of Muslim youth joined the Afghan Jihad. These participations later formed the base of organizations such as Al-Qaeda, DAESH and ISIS.

Realizing that it was bogged down after the occupation, the Soviet (Invincible Red Army) suffered a devastating defeat in the Hindu Kush Mountains, lost 13.621 soldiers, 451 helicopters and aircrafts, 147 tanks and 443 artillery units, and on February 15, 1989, the last Russian soldier was withdrawn from Afghanistan.

The war burden of billions of dollars brought by the war caused the collapse of the Soviet Union, the “Super Power” turned into nothing after the defeat in Afghanistan, and lost its prestige and respectability.

The Mujahideen had won, but the war caused great destruction for Afghanistan. Over one million “martyrs”, hundreds of thousands of widows and orphans, one third of the country's population has migrated, the infrastructure has been completely destroyed, the country, which was already one of the most backward countries in the world, has been subjected to great destruction, and stability and peace have been lost. After the Soviet Occupation, the civil war started, the Taliban and al-Qaeda emerged, and then, with the occupation of Afghanistan by another superpower, using the 9/11 Actions as an excuse, peace and stability were lost forever. [[xv]]


Map 10. Afghanistan Political Situation Map

Afghanistan, which was in a civil war and came under the domination of the Taliban, was exposed to NATO intervention under the leadership of the USA less than a year after the September 11, 2001 attack. Military intervention in Afghanistan began on 7 October 2001. About 1,000 U.S. operations forces and Central Intelligence Agency officers entered Afghanistan to help direct attacks and organize Afghan opposition forces, at the same time approximately 1,300 marines were deployed to put pressure on Taliban.

On August 8, 2003, NATO assumed control of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan.

In 2010, the number of US forces in Afghanistan reached 100 thousand, and until 2021, 800,000 US soldiers were deployed.

On May 01, 2011, Osama Bin Laden was killed by the USA in Pakistan.

On December 28, 2014, the combat mission of the United States came to an end, leaving around 10,000 US soldiers focused on training Afghan forces in the region.

A peace agreement was signed between the USA and the Taliban in February 2020, and the final withdrawal date of the USA was determined as 01 May 2021.

On August 15, 2021, the Taliban seized power in Afghanistan. On August 30, 2021, the USA announced that the withdrawal process from Afghanistan was completed.

During the 20-year occupation process, 241 thousand people, 71 thousand of whom were civilians, died as a direct result of the war. Tens of thousands of people were detained as terrorist suspects, 50,000 of whom were in the first three years of the war.

During its 20-year existence in Afghanistan, the United States has spent more than two trillion dollars on military operations, with $145 billion on reconstruction programs and $83 billion on training Afghan security forces. It has given Afghan forces 76 vehicles, 600 thousand guns, 163 thousand telecommunication equipment and 208 aircrafts.

Britain, which has the second largest number of soldiers in Afghanistan after the USA, spent 30 billion dollars and Germany spent 19 billion dollars. [[xvii]]

           9) CROAT-BOSNIAK WAR [[xviii]] (Map 11)

Map 11. Map of Bosnia and Herzegoniva

During the reign of Mehmet the Conqueror, Bosnia and Herzegovina, which came under the auspices of the Ottoman Empire in 1463, remained under the Ottoman patronage until 1878, and then Bosnia and Herzegovina, which was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and then Yugoslavia, declared its independence in 1992 under the leadership of the late Alija Izetbegović.

The assassination of Austrian Crown Prince Franz Ferdinand on 28 June 1914 by a Serbian student ignited the World War I.

Bosnia and Herzegovina was united with Serbia on 26 October 1918 as part of the Kingdom of Slovenes.

Bosnia and Herzegovina became one of the six people's republics that formed Yugoslavia in 1946. The President of Yugoslavia, Tito, granted the status of nation to Muslims in 1971, and in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Islam became not only a religion but also a nationality.

After the death of Tito in 1980, ethnic and religious conflicts started again, and the civil war that started in the country when Serbia wanted to be the heir of the disintegrated Yugoslavia could be ended with the intense pressures of the European Community and Germany. 

Alija Izetbegović, who won the 1990 elections, was elected as the President of Bosnia and Herzegovina and declared its independence with a referendum held in March 1992. Thereupon, Bosnia and Herzegovina was subjected to intense attacks by the Serbian militias.

The genocide war, which began with the Serb attack on Bosnian Muslims and Croats on 01 March 1992, continued bloodily until 14 December 1995.

After the war, nearly 300 thousand people lost their lives, and around 2 million people left their lands.

With the DAYTON Agreement that ended the war, the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina was established, and its form of government was determined.

           10) CYPRUS ISSUE AND CYPRUS PEACE OPERATION [[xix]] (Map 12)

It was conquered by the Ottoman Empire in 1571 and the first Turkish community was settled on the island.

In the Russo-Turkish War of 1878, it was leased to the British Empire during the Ottoman Empire's defeat.

With the start of the World War I, England seized the island. In accordance with Article 20 of the Lausanne Peace Treaty, Türkiye accepted the annexation of the island to England in 1923.

In 1931, the Greeks started the Enosis revolt, and the Turkish community opposed Enosis.

The British-led 'Cyprus Island Turkish Minority Institution' (KATAK) was founded in 1943, and the 'Cyprus National Turkish People's Party' was established in 1944 by Doctor Fazıl Küçük.

In 1955, the Greek terrorist organization EOKA 1 started its activities on the island on April 1st. The Enosisist-Anti-Enosisist conflict started among the Greeks. After the EOKA terror started targeting the Turks, the September events (Istanbul pogrom) took place in Türkiye. At the same time, the slogan “Either Taksim or Death” began to be used intensively, Türkiye accepted to be a party to the problem for the first time, and Türkiye was represented at the meeting in London on August 29, to which attended by England and Greece.

The Cyprus Turkish Resistance Organization (TMT) was established on November 15, 1957.

With the participation of the British Prime Minister and the foreign ministers of the three states, the Zurich Agreements were approved, Makarios and Dr. Küçük attended the meeting as representatives of the community, Türkiye, Greece and England guaranteed the Cyprus constitution on February 19, 1959, and the continuation of the British bases was accepted.

In 1960, the Cyprus Constitution was signed, symbolic Turkish and Greek troops were placed on the island, Makarios became the president and Fazıl Küçük became the vice president.

On December 30, 1964, Makarios announced his proposal for a 13-article constitutional amendment.

On April 21, 1967, the army seized power in Greece and remained in power until 1974.  The officers increased the support for EOKA in Cyprus in order to gain the support of the people, and 15,000 soldiers of the Greek army were unofficially deployed on the island. As a result of pressure by Türkiye, the Greeks withdrew from three Turkish villages, leaving behind 24 dead.

The Turkish Grand National Assembly authorized the government to intervene, Turkish aircrafts began to fly over Cyprus, the navy and landing forces took action, and when the Greek troops were withdrawn with the mediation of the USA, the Turkish operation was stopped. Rauf Denktaş, who was in Türkiye from 1964 to 1974, went to the island secretly.

Map 12. Latest Situation of the Parties in Cyprus

On July 5, 1974, the National Guard, led by Greek officers, overthrew President Makarios and declared EOKA-B leader Nikos Sampson as president’.

Realizing that Enosis was intended to be realized, Prime Minister Ecevit invited the England to take joint action in accordance with the guarantee agreement. Upon the non-participation of England, Turkish landing ships launched on 19 July and the Kyrenia region was taken under control with landing and air landings on 20 July.

On February 13, 1975, Turkish Federated State of Cyprus was established and a population exchange took place in the same year.

Agreements were signed by Denktaş-Makarios (1977) and Denktaş-Klerides (1979). With these agreements, Greek Cypriots for the first time adopted a bi-zonal, bi-communal federal solution.

On November 15, 1983, the Turkish Federated State of Cyprus Assembly announced to the whole-world that an independent state called the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) was established.

On May 13, 1984, the UN Security Council defined the proclamation of the TRNC as a separatist movement with its resolution 550.

After the establishment of the TRNC in the 1984-1990 period, inter-communal negotiations started again.

With the ANNAN PLAN proposed by Former UN Secretary-General Kofi Atta Annan, the unification of the parts of the island of Cyprus, excluding the British bases area, into an independent and federal state; It has been suggested that at least one third of the ministries in the United Cyprus Republic should be Turkish, and that the offices of the Presidency and the prime minister should alternate between Turks and Greeks every ten months.

The plan, which was put to the vote with the referendums held on April 24, 2004 in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and the Greek Cypriot Administration, could not be put into practice because of the 76% rejection of the Greek votes, although it was approved by 65% of the Turks.

Cyprus continues as a problem between, Türkiye and Greece due to the fact that the negotiations, which continue with interruptions, could not reach an agreement accepted by the parties.



  1. Today the most intervened in their lands,
  2. Most occupying the United Nations agenda,
  3. Terror and anarchy never ends in their lands,
  4. Resources managed by foreign powers,
  5. Human rights and freedoms are violated,
  6. The income distribution is corrupted,
  7. Political, social and economic instabilities prevail,
  8. Demanding and needing the help and support of external powers to solve internal problems.



  1. To maintain their dominance over the world,
  2. To maintain effective control of Energy resources, energy transportation lines, land, sea and air transportation routes and centers,
  3. To ensure the safe continuation of existing military bases and facilities,
  4. To make the most of the market potential for industrial productions,
  5. To finance high defense expenses,
  6. In order to prevent the governments of the countries in their sovereign areas from getting out of their control,
    1. By provoking the ethnic and sectarian differences of the Islamic countries as much as possible, ensuring their division and turning the differences into conflicts,
    2. By using economic, technological, political, military, communication and information power,
    3. By supporting the elements of the Islamic countries in the maximum extent and provocatively, ensuring their conflict, arranging provocations for the formation of an environment of conflict and
    5. We can call this is AN UNDECLARED DIRTY WORLD WAR III.



NINE REGIONAL FEDERATIONS and a CONFEDERAL structure formed by these regional Islamic Federations without changing the national borders and structure of 57 Islamic countries (28 Asia, 25 Africa, 4 Europe) on the ASRICA pivot, according to their ethnic and geographical proximity. It seems possible to establish the ISLAMIC UNION by gathering under a will.

Map 13. Regional Federal States Affiliated to the Model ASRICA Islamic Countries Confederation





















Figure 1. Administrative Organization of the Confederation of Islamic Countries (Concept by ASSAM)

In order to form the Islamic Union;

  1. The Islamic doctrine must be the basis of the central will to be formed.
  2. In order to serve for the establishment of the Islamic Union, it should be accepted that the establishment of “Ministries of Islamic Union” in the councils of ministers of the countries willing to establish the Islamic unity is essential.
  3. It should be believed that the first step of the Islamic Union is the formation of the “Islamic Countries Parliament”.
  4. ASRICA ISLAMIC STATES UNION should be established with the joint will of one STATE from each of the nine geographical regions envisioned to be made into a Federal structure.
  5. The acceptance of new states that will request to join the Islamic Union should be decided by the absolute majority of the Islamic Countries Parliament.
  6. For Muslim states to participate in the “Islamic Countries Union”, their parliaments should decide with 2/3 majority or absolute majority in referendums.
  7. The Islamic Union to be established; Its Name, Management Type, Status and Election of the President of the Union, Official Language, Flag, Capital; Legislative, Executive and Judicial Power; Organization of Legislative, Executive and Judicial Bodies of the Union; Principles and Procedures for the Election of the Members of Parliament, the Budget and the procedures and principles covered by the Member States Issues related to the Formation, Powers and Responsibilities of Regional Structures, Powers and Responsibilities of the member states should be put into practice by the decisions of the “Islamic Countries Parliament” in accordance with the Member States.


NINE REGIONAL FEDERATIONS and a CONFEDERAL structure formed by these regional Islamic Federations without changing the national borders and structure of 57 Islamic countries (28 Asia, 25 Africa, 4 Europe) on the ASRICA pivot, according to their ethnic and geographical proximity. It seems possible to establish the ISLAMIC UNION by gathering under a will.

Figure 2. Fields of Activity of Model Confederation, Federation and National States

ASSAM; (Figure 2)

  • ASRICA Islamic States Confederation has five main fields of activity (Justice, Defense, Defense Industry, Interior, Foreign Affairs)
  • Regional Federations of Islamic States, from six fields of activity (Customs and Trade, Transport and Maritime, Economy, Science, Industry and Technology, Development, Culture and Tourism)
  • National States from ten fields of activity (Education, Finance, Energy and Natural Resources, Health, Agriculture and Livestock, Youth and Sports, Forestry and Waterworks, Labor and Social Security, Social Policies, Environmental Urbanism)

that an Islamic Union can be established in a responsible manner.



In order for the Islamic countries to reach a level of prosperity above world standards and gain their economic independence; Using the technology of the age, encouraging production, based on the exchange of goods and services, interest-free, protecting labor-capital-consumer, providing fair income distribution, unaffected by the fraudulent manipulation of global powers, having an autonomous money circulation system, as a second step towards the Islamic Union, For this reason, it is necessary to establish the economic system, ASSAM deems necessary the;

  1. Establishment of a customs union between Islamic countries,
  2. Establishment of a common market between Islamic countries,
  3. Acceptance of monetary union between Islamic countries,
  4. Establishment of trade zones between the members of the Union,
  5. Establishment an institutional identity of the zakat institution under the control of the states and evaluation of it by collecting it as a common fund,
  6. Establishment of the chamber of commerce, trade courts, foundations affiliated to the Union, establishment of the Islamic electronic currency (ASRICA Dinar),
  7. In line with the objectives of the Union, creating a common market and joint production and R&D incentive fund in the state budget of each Islamic country,
  8. Establishment of cooperatives collaboration systems among Islamic countries in the mining, energy, agriculture, transportation and telecommunications and food sectors of Islamic countries and to inform and support financial institutions operating with the slogan of Islamic banking
  9. Establishment of a common financial institution and SWIFT system which is operated according to Islamic rules,
  10. Dissemination and development of “Barter Trade, Participation Banking, Cooperation System and Foundations” among Islamic countries,
  11. Increasing economic and commercial cooperation and liberalization of trade, financial cooperation between free market institutions, increasing intersectoral cooperation and direct investments, and increasing efforts to reduce poverty.


Figure 3. Model ASRICA Islamic Countries Confederation Ministry of Defense Industry Organization

In the Cabinet of the ASRICA Confederation of Islamic States, it has been deemed appropriate that the MINISTRY OF DEFENSE INDUSTRY is one of the five ministries in order to carry out the activities of determining the needs of defense industry products, production, storage, distribution, maintenance and repair, renovation, modernization and removing from the inventory. (Figure 3)

Under the MINISTRY OF DEFENSE INDUSTRY within the Confederation of Islamic States of ASRICA, “DEFENSE INDUSTRY PRESIDENCIES” should be established in the Nine Regional Federations of Islamic Countries, and "DEFENSE INDUSTRY PRESIDENCIES" should be established within the national states affiliated to each “Federation of Regional Islamic States” depending on these presidencies.

BY THE MINISTRY OF DEFENSE INDUSTRY, the Confederation of ASRICA Islamic States; MAIN-CONTRACTORS for the production of Land, Navy, Air, Air Defense, Space, Cyber and Electronic Defense Industry products should be allocated to “Regional Federations of Islamic States”; SUB-CONTRACTORS must also be divided by the “Regional Federations of Islamic States” to the National States affiliated (related to allocated defense industry products) to them.

Inventories of defense industry production facilities and heavy industry production systems within the Defense Industry Presidencies of Regional Federations and National States should be drawn up.

R&D, STANDARDIZATION, CERTIFICATION, ACCREDITATION, CODIFICATION and MAINTENANCE REPAIR centers should be established in the Zones of Defense Industry Production Main and Sub-Contractors.

ASRICA Joint Defense Industry Production Support Fund, Joint Space Technology Center and Particle Acceleration Center should be established within the scope of scientific research, and discount quotas should be applied on the basis of customs union in the use of energy and raw materials required in defense industry production.

Main and sub-contractors of the Defense Industry, assigned to the Regional Islamic Federations and National States, should be established in Vocational High Schools, Vocational Schools and Universities related to Defense Industry products.

Defense Industry Product Inventory, Determination of Needs, Storage and Distribution and Renovation, Modernization, Separation into Scrap - Debris - Run-down Material, Recovery and Recycling activities should be managed from the Center by the Ministry of Defense Industry.



DEFENSE according to the ASSAM vision; It is one of the five fields of activity to be centrally run by the Confederation.


Consisting of the Chief of General Staff, the Commands of Land, Naval, Air, Air Defense and Missile, Cyber and Electronic Security, and the Army Level “JOINT OPERATION COMMANDS” located at the center of each of the nine Regional Federations, in the Draft Constitution of Islamic Countries, Article 117 of the Confederation Constitution.

According to article 117 of the draft Model Constitution, with the leadership of the president of the Confederate Republic, the “SECURITY COUNCIL OF THE CONFEDERATE REPUBLIC” is envisaged to be established, attended by the Vice Presidents of the Confederate Republic, the Presidents of the regional Federal Republic, the Ministers of Justice, National Defense, Interior, Foreign Affairs, the Chief of staff, the Land, Naval, Air and Joint Force Commanders.

Figure 4. Model ASRICA Islamic Countries Confederation Ministry of Defense Industry Organization

Given to the Operational Control of JOINT OPERATION COMMANDS and Deployed at the Centers of National States; (Figure 5, Figure 6)


           1) It is envisaged that; 36 Corps Command in Land Forces,
           2) Three Navy, Three Fleet and Three Straits Commandsin Naval Forces,
           3) In Air Forces; 9 Strategic, 9 Tactical Air Forces Commands and 9 Missile Command,
           4) In Air Defense Command; 9 Radar Base Command and 9 Air and Missile Defense Command,
           5) In Cyber and Electronic Security Command; 9 Cyber Security and 9 Electronic Warfare Command,
           6) 9 Special Forces Command.

       b. As Also Combat Service Support Unit;

           1) 9 Logistics Support Command for each of the Land, Navy, Air, Air Missile Defense and Cyber and Electronic Force Commands,
           2) Nine Training Commands for each of the Force Commands other than the Naval Forces, and four Training Commands for the Naval Forces, at the Naval Forces Command,
           3) It is envisaged to establish nine Base and Port Commands and Nine Base and Air Base Commands under the Air Force Command.

Figure 5. Model ASRICA Islamic Union Confederation Defense Organization


The Combat, Combat Support, Combat Service Support Commands and their affiliates in each Regional Federation's geography should be assigned to the Operational Control of the Joint Operation Commands of the Regional Islamic Federations. (Figure 5)




               a) The Islamic world should realize that its geography has been turned into an undeclared, secret, insidious, dirty and asymmetrical World War III, where the ethnic and sectarian elements within the unitary structures of the countries are fighting each other.

               b) Islamic countries to be victorious in this war;

  1. They should understand the weakness of the sovereign powers and take initiatives to increase their sensitivity. [[xx]]
  2. They must ensure the justice of the rights.
  3. They should guarantee the fundamental rights and freedoms of people.
  4. They should implement an educational campaign to increase the percentage of the educated population, increase the student quota in higher education institutions for Muslim countries in order to integrate the younger generations, and declare the brotherhood of the Ummah.
  5. They must ensure and maintain political and economic stability.
  6. Muslim Nations, for whatever reason, should not revolt to overthrow the power of their states.
  7. After ensuring justice, personal rights and freedoms, and political and economic stability in their countries, they should initiate initiatives that will enable Islamic countries to gather under a will.
  8. For this;
    1. Non-Governmental Organizations, Opinion Leaders, Higher Education Institutions should include the necessity of the Islamic Union, the principles and procedures of its establishment as the first item of their agenda.
    2. The idea of Islamic Unity should be embedded in Muslim nations.
    3. Islamic scholars from different sects should find solutions to resolve conflicts and disagreements through meetings and consultations.
    4. The leaders and administrators of the countries should conduct research and examination on the principles and procedures of the establishment of the union and ensure that the first agenda item of the Islamic countries meetings attended by representatives from all levels is the establishment of the Islamic Union.



ASSAM Vision in the Muslim Solution of Civil War and Conflict in Islamic Countries: [[xxi]]

Islamic countries can get rid of the blood, tears, conflict and humiliation they are in, by uniting their forces.

Islamic countries should not wait for the initiatives of Global Powers, the United Nations or international organizations other than the Islamic countries to explore opportunities for joint action by combining their individual interests in Muslim countries where political-social-economic-military crises prevail.

The Islamic world is in urgent need for a new organization that will work independently of the United Nations and certain power centers to help to restore stability in Islamic countries where internal security, foreign security, economic, social and political crises prevail.

There is a need for a different power than the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), which has operational capabilities and powers, and is formed by States that commit to comply with its rules and contribute, and have the characteristics of being an Islamic country.

The turmoil prevailing in Kashmir, Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Somalia, Sudan and Palestine can be resolved with an organization to be formed by the Islamic world without involving anyone else. This organization can also be the core for the Islamic Union.


Figure 6. Islamic Countries Model Crisis Management Confederation Organization

  1. It must consist of voluntary states which meet the criteria.
  2. States should be able to participate and bind to this organization through agreements.
  3. There should be a permanent working parliament formed by the representatives of the member countries, which will ensure that the decisions are taken and implemented.
  4. Parliament should serve the purposes of its establishment by the will of the member states.
  5. When necessary, parties in crisis regions should be represented in parliament according to their application.
  6. A crisis center should be established which is dependent on the parliament and accountable.
  7. Within the crisis center, there should be operation centers that can manage military, political, legal, economic and social operations.
  8. Member countries should provide the necessary financial support.
  9. It should also have a military power that acts under the control of the crisis center and is formed with the contributions of the member states.
  10. Activity center should be determined by the parliament, taking into account the proposals of the crisis zones and member countries, and it should be changed when necessary.
  11. Confederation's approach to the parties of crises should be constructive, peaceful, equitable, fully respectful to human rights and freedoms, unifying, protecting the social culture, helpful and, when necessary, coercive.

If the Islamic world could have such a confederation; Without the coups and revolutions of Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Yemen, Syria, Sudan and Afghanistan, without Iraq being occupied by the United States and made a terrorist base by Afghanistan, Russia and the United States, these countries could be turned into a place of internal conflict and returned to a just form of governance without entering a state of turmoil and being destroyed.


FIRST, in order for Islamic countries to gather under a common will;

The “Confederation of ISLAMIC COUNTRIES” should be established by permanently forming the “Parliament of ISLAMIC COUNTRIES”, where the common will of 57 Islamic countries whose authority, facilities, power, structure are specified by the Constitution, laws and statutes, is represented;


  1. While the studies of the Confederation of Islamic Countries continue to determine the procedures and principles of justice, security (domestic and foreign) and common foreign policy, which are the main duties of the states,
  2. REGIONAL ISLAMIC COUNTRIES PARLIAMENTS” should be formed, in which the common will of ethnically and geographically close Islamic States are represented, (Islamic Countries can be grouped in 9 different geographies. Middle East [12] [[xxiii]], Central Asia [8], Near East [4], Southeast Asia [4], North Africa [6], East Africa [6], North West Africa [7], South West Africa [6], Europe [4] Muslim Countries);


“Regional Islamic Countries Confederations” should be transformed into federations by strengthening the central administrations and each of them should be connected to the “Islamic Countries Union” as a Confederate Union;


  • The central joint will must be represented in the “Parliament of the Confederation of Islamic Countries” and the common wills of the regional organizations in the “Regional Federation Parliaments of the Islamic Countries”;
  • “Executive branches” under parliaments should be established;
  • In the centers of the central and regional executive bodies, “Courts of Justice” and “Immediate Intervention Forces” should be established to ensure the implementation of the decisions of the Courts of Justice;
  • An organization should be formed to ensure “Public Order and Interior Security”.
  • In order to ensure external security, "Defense Industry Productıon Cooperatıon" should be established and a “DEFENSE ALLIANCE” should be organized;
  • It should be organized for the determination and implementation of “Common Foreign Policies”;
  • “Economic Cooperation” should be established;
  • An independent “judicial system” consisting of “Human Rights” and “Criminal Courts” should be established for the Confederation of Islamic Countries and for the Regional Federations of Islamic Countries.

           4) At this stage, the national states should also take the following initiatives to enable the necessary conditions for the establishment of the ASRICA Confederation.

  1. Economic and commercial cooperation between Islamic countries should be increased and trade should be liberalized, financial cooperation between free market institutions, inter-sectoral cooperation and direct investments should be increased, and efforts to reduce poverty should be increased.
  2. Islamic countries, with the awareness that one of the prerequisites for being independent and sovereign is being independent in the defense industry, joint defense industry production capabilities should be explored by cooperating with Islamic states.
  3. Islamic countries should conclude defense cooperation agreements with neighboring Islamic countries while being aware that the real threat comes from global powers rather than each other.
  4. Islamic Countries must fight for the removal of foreign military bases, private military companies and military existences from their countries.
  5. Islamic Countries should agree on the principles and procedures of the foreign policy they will follow in order to be implemented in the Islamic Countries experiencing crisis due to internal and external factors.
  6. In order to prevent discrimination against Muslim minorities in non-Muslim countries and the violation of their fundamental rights and freedoms, every Islamic country should establish cultural centers to promote Islam within its means and be active. It should be believed that the citizens to be sent to foreign countries should be chosen meticulously, with the awareness that the most appropriate way will be with an exemplary lifestyle.


    1) Organization of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the ASRICA Confederation: (Figure 7)

Confederation Ministry of Foreign Affairs should consist;

  • Presidency of Central Organization
  • Presidency of Foreign Representations
  • Presidency of Domestic Representations
  • Presidency of Administrative Affairs
  • Presidency of Strategy
  • Supreme Islamic Council.

           a) The Confederation Ministry of Foreign Affairs should establish authorized units in the CENTRAL ORGANIZATION for each continental and global power in order to monitor and coordinate the activities of the diplomatic missions in the states on the continents and in the states with global power.

               I. Units of the Central Organization of the Ministry related to CONTINENTS;

  1. General Directorate of ASIA Countries Multi-Political, Economic and Socio-Cultural Affairs
  2. General Directorate of AFRICA Countries Multi-Political, Economic, Socio-Cultural Affairs
  3. General Directorate of EUROPE Countries Multi-Political, Economic and Socio-Cultural Affairs
  4. General Directorate of NORTH AMERICA Countries Multi-Political, Economic and Socio-Cultural Affairs
  5. General Directorate of SOUTH AMERICA Countries Multi-Political, Economic, Socio-Cultural Affairs
  6. General Directorate of AUSTRALIA Countries Multi-Political, Economic and Socio-Cultural Affairs

Figure 7. Model ASRICA Islamic Countries Confederation Ministry of Foreign Affairs Organization Chart

               II. Units of the Central Organization of the Ministry related to Global Powers;

  1. General Directorate of USA Bilateral Political, Economic and Socio-Cultural Relations
  2. General Directorate of Germany Bilateral Political, Economic and Socio-Cultural Relations
  3. General Directorate of China Bilateral Political, Economic and Socio-Cultural Relations
  4. General Directorate of France Bilateral Political, Economic and Socio-Cultural Relations
  5. General Directorate of England Bilateral Political, Economic and Socio-Cultural Relations
  6. General Directorate of Russia Bilateral Political, Economic and Socio-Cultural Relations
  7. General Directorate of India Bilateral Political, Economic and Socio-Cultural Relations,

  It seems appropriate to organize it as such.

               b) Confederation Ministry of Foreign Affairs FOREIGN Representations;

On the basis of reciprocity, the ASRICA Confederation should be represented by the Grand Embassies, Consulates General, Permanent Representations and Cultural Centers before the countries of the world other than the member states of the Confederation.

               c) Confederation Ministry of Foreign Affairs DOMESTIC Representations;

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs should establish ministry representations in the Regional Federation Centers and in the centers of the National States in the Confederation's external borders in a way to ensure communication and coordination with the representatives of foreign countries to be assigned to the Confederation before Regional Federations and national states.

The Confederation Ministry of Foreign Affairs should establish appropriate representative units at the following centers, taking into account the Diplomatic Missions of foreign states.

  1. Representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Middle East Regional Islamic States Federation
  2. Central Asia          “          “          “          “          “          “          “          “
  3. Near East       “          “          “          “          “          “          “          “
  4. Southeast Asia      “          “          “          “          “          “          “          “
  5. North Africa    “          “          “          “          “          “          “          “
  6. East Africa     “          “          “          “          “          “          “          “
  7. North West Africa   “          “          “          “          “          “          “
  8. South West Africa     “          “          “          “          “          “          “
  9. Europe                            “          “          “          “          “          “          “
  10. There should also be representations of the ministry of foreign affairs for 57 national Islamic states.

   2) As a result of the asymmetric and proxy wars that Islamic countries were exposed to after the World War I, they were exposed to falsification in their religious beliefs and lives. In order to eliminate this negativity, a Supreme Science Council should be established within the ASRICA Confederation Ministry of Foreign Affairs to explain and promote the understanding of Islam. This council should be within the body of the ASRICA Scientific Studies Council and should be composed of an equal number of representatives to be sent from the federations. The organization and structure of the Assembly should be determined by the ASRICA Parliament.

   3) Fundamental Rights and Freedoms principles and procedures;

All people are equal in the sight of Allah and they are equal in terms of basic human rights no matter what geography they are born in. That is why the religion of Islam has struggled with all kinds of discrimination since the day it emerged. In terms of fundamental rights and freedoms, although people deserve to be treated with equality regardless of language, religion, race and gender, it should be accepted as a basic principle that these rights and freedoms are applied with justice in the entire ASRICA Confederation geography.

  4) During the Farewell pilgrimage, the Prophet (pbuh.) gave very important messages about the principles and fundamental rights and freedoms he revealed to all humanity;

  • All mankind is from Adam. an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab. except by piety and good action.
  • So regard the life and property of every Muslim as a sacred trust. Return the goods entrusted to you to their rightful owners.
  • O People, it is true that you have certain rights with regard to your women, but they also have right over you.
  • All kinds of interest has been removed, it is under my feet. But the original debt must be paid. You neither persecute nor allow persecution.
  • The blood feuds waged during the Age of Ignorance were completely abolished.
  • It is not permissible to infringe on any of your religious brothers' rights.
  • Do not oppress yourself. Your desire has a right upon you.”

An organization like the Hilf al-Fudul (Oath of the Virtuous), which was established during the Meccan period, should be established not only for the Union of ASRICA Confederation States, but also for the protection of the rights of the oppressed all over the world

  5) The ASRICA Confederation States Union should establish relations with neighboring countries and nations with an approach required by Islamic provisions, establish diplomatic relations with near and far neighboring states that ensure peace and tranquility, and establish contacts without discrimination of religion, language, race, gender and lineage in these relations.

   6) Relations with Global and Giant States;

The latest technological developments and the increase in the communication network in the world and the fact that our world has become a small global village have brought the globalization process to the fore and transformed the network of relations between states and nations around the world. In such a situation, states with global influence came to the fore with their power and started to influence developing countries. For this purpose, the “ASRICA International Relations Coordination Presidency” under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the ASRICA Confederation States Union is responsible for coordinating the diplomatic process with global powers.

   7) Agreements on the establishment and use of land, naval and air bases belonging to foreign states in the ASRICA Confederation should be terminated.

   8) It should be ensured that the deployment of the military forces of the countries within their borders during peacetime and their use in the defense of land, naval and airspaces should be made applicable by international agreements.

   9) Benefiting the Inland Seas;

The road map to be followed for the use of the right and benefit of the sea areas within the borders of the ASRICA Confederation and the straits and canals connecting these seas to the open seas, according to the “ASRICA Law of the Sea Agreement” to be prepared by the “ASRICA Council” to be formed under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, it should be made available to the benefit of the people on an equitable basis.

   10) Benefiting the Oceans;

Maritime jurisdiction areas of the Oceans (Territorial Seas, Continental Shelf and Exclusive Economic Zone), which are the border of the ASRICA Confederation, should be determined according to the “ASRICA Law of the Sea Agreement” to be prepared by the “ASRICA Council”, by taking the riparian and opposite coastal countries as an example.

   11) It should be ensured that the height of the ASRICA Confederation airspace and the control of the foreign satellites passing over the FIR line are done in accordance with the provisions of the “ASRICA Air and Space Law” to be prepared by the ASRICA Council.

  12) Through the sub-committees to be established within the ASRICA Confederation Ministry of Foreign Affairs, economic and commercial relations should be strengthened on a regional and global scale by activating the dynamics of our historical and cultural partnerships in international relations field.

    13) Regional and global approaches required by Islam and Islamic values should be preferred instead of a Western-aligned-defensive strategic culture. In this regard, the “pro-western” foreign policy, which is based on the EU-US foreign policy as the “level of contemporary civilizations” and the 19th century understanding of modernization that ignores humanity, should be abandoned. A new multidimensional/multi-track foreign policy understanding should be adopted towards the Caucasus, Central Asia and Africa regions, especially the Middle East, which is turned away by security concerns and concerns about protecting the regime.

   14) A foreign policy that does not see its neighbors and the Islamic countries in the geography of civilization as a threat should be developed and a foreign policy that will establish peace and justice not only for the Muslims of the world but also for all humanity should be adopted.

   15) Since the technological developments that emerged with the globalization process accelerate the interaction between nations and states, global economic crises and regional conflicts constitute the agenda of international politics. For this reason, Islamic countries should develop cooperation in the political and diplomatic fields and establish an embracing relationship without marginalizing.

   16) Adopting an active foreign policy towards becoming a regional and global power, Türkiye's “pro-active” foreign policy approach should be adopted by the ASRICA Confederation. Economic and cultural relations should be developed in the civilization geography, regional and global areas, especially in neighboring countries, and political relations should be developed in accordance with our own cultural and moral understanding due to the unity coming from the historical process.

   17) The understanding of the Middle East as a possible conflict and problem area should be abandoned. The problems in our region should be evaluated in line with the existence of “historical and cultural ties” and initiatives should be taken. With this understanding, a diplomacy should be developed that brings together and conciliatory the parties of other troubled regions such as the Palestinian problem, Israel-Lebanon, Israel-Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, East Turkestan, Kashmir, Myanmar and all the troubled regions of Africa.



The MINISTRY OF INTERIOR, which is responsible for providing PUBLIC ORDER and INTERNAL SECURITY, is one of the five areas of activity to be carried out from the center according to the ASSAM envision.

The Minister of Interior is responsible to the President of the Confederation, from the center of the Confederation to the villages and neighborhoods of the national states, to ensure the order and security in the entire geography of the Confederation, and to secure the land borders and the open and inland seacoasts.

The Minister of Interior is authorized and responsible to the President of the Confederation for the training, supply, assignment, dismissal, provision of personal rights, command and control of the Confederation security and public order forces, the assignment and management of the regional federations and the local administrative chiefs within the national states.

The Minister of Interior is a natural member of the “Confederal Republic Security Council” and the “General Assembly of Heads of State”.

The General Directorate of Security, Gendarmerie General Command, Border and Coast Guard General Command and Nine Regional Federal Republics are located in the center of each of the Nine Regional Federal Republics under the “CONFEDERAL GENERAL DIRECTORATE OF REPUBLIC JOINT PUBLIC ORDER AND SECURITY” located in the Confederation headquarters of the Ministry of Interior; It is envisaged to consist of “COMMON POSITIONAL AND SECURITY GENERAL COMMANDS” and “JOINT PRESIDENCIES OF PUBLIC ORDER AND SECURITY” in the centers of national states.




1.      General Directorate of Migration Management,

2.      General Directorate of Population and Citizenship Affairs,

3.      General Directorate of Legal Services,

4.      General Directorate of Highways,

5.      General Directorate of Provincial Administration,

6.      Presidency of Disaster and Emergency Management,

7.      General Directorate of Press, Civil Society and Public Relations,

8.      General Directorate of Information Technologies,

9.      General Directorate of Research and Strategy Development,

10.    General Directorate of Inspection and Evaluation,

11.    General Directorate of Personnel,

12.    General Directorate of Intelligence, Evaluation, Analysis and Coordination,

13.    General Directorate of Smuggling, Intelligence, Operations and Information Gathering,

14.    General Directorate of Security and Emergency,

15.    General Directorate of Supply and Support Services,

16.    Office of the Private Secretary of Ministry,

17.    Secretary General.


1. Confederal Republic Joint Public Security and General Directorate;

     A. General Directorate of Security,

     B. Gendarmerie General Command,           

     C. Border and Coast Guard General Command,

     D. General Directorate of Training Services,

         1) Police Academy and Training Center

         2) Gendarmerie Academy and Training Center

         3) Border and Coast Guard Academy and Training Center

2. 9 Regional Federal Republic Joint Public Security and General Command;

     A. 9 Regional Federal Republic General Directorate of Security,

     B. 9 Regional Republic Border and Coast Guard General Command,     

     C. 9 Regional Republic Gendarmerie General Command,

     D. 9 Regional Federal Republic General Directorate of Training Services,

         1) 9 Police Academy and Training Center

         2) 9 Gendarmerie Academy and Training Center

         3) 9 Border and Coast Guard Academy and Training Center

3. 57 National State, Joint Presidencies of Public Order and Security;

     A. 57 National State, General Directorate of Security,

     B. 57 National State, Border and Coast Guard General Command,     

     C. 57 National State, Gendarmerie General Command,

     D. 57 National State, General Directorate of Training Services,

         1) 57 National State, Police Academy and Training Center

         2) 57 National State, Gendarmerie Academy and Training Center

         3) 57 National State, Border and Coast Guard Academy and Training Center

      E. 57 National State, Provincial Civil Administrative Authorities (Governorships)

         1) 57 National State, District Civil Administrative Authorities (District Governorships)

It is envisaged that it could be in this form.



The last of the International Congresses Series that we have planned to put an appropriate LEGISLATION MODEL on the “ASRICA Islamic States Union” before the Islamic world; It will be implemented in 2023 under the title of “ASRICA CONFEDERATION JOINT JUSTICE SYSTEM” and as a result of this congress, a “MODEL LEGISLATION” will be put forward for the “ASRICA Islamic States Union”.

We DECLARE that we are determined to continue the planning and implementation of the International ASSAM CONGRESS WITH THE MAIN THEME “SOLUTIONS TO THE PROBLEMS EXPERIENCED BY ISLAMIC COUNTRIES TARGETED BY GLOBAL POWERS” in 2024 and the following years.



[[ii]]  Understanding Great Game, Yves Lacoste p. 31, 47

[[iii]] Understanding Great Game, Yves Lacoste p. 48.

[[iv]]  https://www.stratejikortak.com/2021/12/dogu-akdeniz-denkleminde-kuresel-bir-guc-cin-halk-cumhuriyeti.html.

[[v]] https://www.aa.com.tr/tr/dunya/iran-ile-irak-arasindaki-kanli-ve-galipsiz-savas-39uncu-yilinda-/1590515.


The US military officially withdrew from Iraq, which Saddam Hussein invaded in 2003, using weapons of mass destruction that were never found as an excuse, lowering the "war" flag within a week. However, to whom Iraq was handed over after the US withdrawal was the new subject of discussion. Of the 170,000 US soldiers in Iraq, the remaining 4,000 will leave the country by the end of the month. However, the situation will not be much different for Iraqis who have to show their identity to soldiers wearing camouflage with the US flag on them while walking on their own streets. The number of 2,700 private security company officers in Iraq will be doubled, or 5,500, as of January. Working under the special license of the US Department of State, the task of these troops will not only be to protect US diplomatic officials and commercial companies, but also to train the Iraqi army and security forces.

Iraq Lean Towards

Despite their dirty past, Baghdad does not turn its back on these companies. Advisors to Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki gave the green light to the recruitment of “3,000 special teams with a military background” in Iraq for the training of the army. During his visit to Washington during the week, Maliki personally conveyed his wishes for more US companies to invest in US President Barack Obama. This means new private security forces to protect these companies.

They are Already in Line for Iraq

A large number of private security companies aiming to make big profits in Iraq with the license of the US State Department have already rolled up their sleeves. The US State Department has opened a security tender for $11 billion to protect 17,000 American civilians in Iraq. 3 of the 8 companies that entered the Worldwide Protective Services tender opened by the ministry in October 2010 started to work in Iraq. Apart from DynCorp and Triple Canopy, who have long worked with the ministry, the other companies that won the security tender are EOD Technology, SOC Incorporated, Aegis Defense Services, Global Strategies Group, Torres International Services and International Development Solutions.

The 8 companies in question will be responsible for the security of vital US centers in Iraq for 5 years. Triple Canopy, which replaced Blackwater with its departure from Iraq in 2009, received $1.53 billion to protect American diplomats, while British Global Strategies Group signed a $401 million deal to protect the U.S. Consulate in Basra. The security of the US Embassy in Baghdad was entrusted to SOC Incorporated for $974 million.

The mercenaries will be responsible for the transportation of diplomats by armored vehicles and helicopters. The US State Department will also hold talks with companies willing to take over security for oil-rich Mosul, Kirkuk and Erbil.


[[ix]] https://www.bbc.com/turkce/haberler-dunya-56377932.


[[xi]] https://www.aa.com.tr/tr/analiz/bae-destekli-ayrilikcilarin-guney-yemen-hayali/2134723https://www.aa.com.tr/tr/dunya/devrimden-ic-savasa-yemende- yasananlar/1075207.

[[xii]] https://www.adnantanriverdi.com/index.php/maneviyat-yuklu-kudus-u-serif-ziyareti.html.

[[xiii]] https://www.bbc.com/turkce/haberler-dunya-44128837.

[[xiv]] https://www.aa.com.tr/tr/info/infografik/15183.

[[xv]] https://www.aa.com.tr/tr/analiz-haber/-afganistan-isgali-olumcul-hatanin-38-yil-donumu/1016149.

[[xvi]] https://www.aa.com.tr/tr/dunya/abdnin-en-uzun-savasi-afganistanda-20-yil/2351523.

[[xvii]] https://www.aa.com.tr/tr/dunya/20-yillik-abd-isgali-hem-afganistana-hem-dunyaya-pahaliya-mal-oldu/2350276.

[[xviii]] https://www.turkcebilgi.com/bosna-hersek_tarihihttps://www.hurriyet.com.tr/egitim/bosna-savasi-tarihi-ve-onemi-bosna-savasi-taraflari-nedenleri-ve-sonuclari-kisaca-bilgi-41802214.

[[xix]] http://arsiv.ntv.com.tr/news/118205.asp.


Among the allegations of ethnic discrimination put forward by anti-US opponents[xx]

  1. In the regions where the southern states of the country are located, Mexican descent has discriminatory goals for the future,
  2. It is stated that Arizona, Colorado, Mexico and Texas see themselves as a separate republic,
  3. The Asian people, who are concentrated on the Pacific coast, can also aim for their own state…
  4. On the other hand, we see that identity movements are increasing among Latinos as well.
  5. There are opinions that the Atlantic coasts will also be left to the Anglo Saxons.
  6. There are opinions declaring that the central parts of the country belong to the Indians.
  7. Although the discriminatory discourses in the state of Vermont and the Lakota in the recent past were symbolic, they gave some clues about the social structure...

   There are still about 40 discriminatory movements in the USA in the comments…


[[xxii]] ASSAM International Refereed Journal, Issue 01, June 2014, p.4. 4.

[[xxiii]] https://www.assamcongress.com/congresses/congress-2017/model-confederation-constitution.html.


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