Uluslararası ASSAM İslam Birliği Kongreleri

Uluslararası ASSAM İslam Birliği Kongrelerinin amacı; İslam Ülkeleri Coğrafyası başta olmak üzere dünya siyasetinde güncel sorunlarla ilgili olarak akademik ve siyasal bir zemin üzerinde tespitler yapmak ve karar vericilere çözüm önerileri sunmaktır. 

Uluslararası ASSAM İslam Birliği Kongrelerinin katılımcı ülkelerle yapılacak istişareye bağlı olarak sürekliliğinin sağlanması hedeflenmektedir.

Devletlerin aslî faaliyet alanları da dikkate alınarak, 2017'den başlayarak birer yıl ara ile icra edilmesi tasavvur edilen "Uluslararası ASSAM İslâm Birliği Kongreleri" serisinin ana konuları:

  • İslam Birliği için Yönetim Şekil ve Organları Mevzuatının Tespiti (2017),
  • İslam Birliği için Ekonomik İşbirliği Usul ve Esaslarının Tespiti (2018),
  • İslâm Birliği için Savunma Sanayi İşbirliği Usul ve Esaslarının Tespiti (2019),
  • İslâm Birliği için Ortak Savunma Sistemi Usul ve Esaslarının Tespiti (2020),
  • İslâm Birliği için Müşterek Dış Politika Usul ve Esaslarının Tespiti (2021),
  • İslâm Birliği için Müşterek Adalet Sistemi Usul ve Esaslarının Tespiti (2022),
  • İslâm Birliği için Ortak Asayiş ve Güvenlik Usul ve Esaslarının Tespiti (2023),

şekilde seçilerek, İslam Ülkelerinin bir irade altında toplanması için gereken müesseseler ve bu müesseselerin mevzuatının bir hareket tarzı olarak ortaya çıkarılması sağlanacaktır.

Yazım Kuralları


Bu Kılavuzun amacı, ASSAM Stratejik Araştırmalar Merkezinin basılı ve elektronik Yayınlarının (Özgün Araştırma ve İnceleme Makalesi, Derleme Makalesi, Olgu sunumu, Proje tanıtımı, Kitap tanıtımı (makale formatında olması koşulu ile), Makale, tez, kitap, dergi, röportaj ve projelerin) hazırlanması ve yazımında standardizasyonu sağlamak ve uyulması gereken esas ve usulleri belirlemektir.

Paper Submission

Dear Participants,

  • You are kindly requested to send your abstracts and papers to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
  • Click here for the Congress Main Theme.
  • Click here for the Format for Full Text and Abstract.
  • Click here for the Congress Calendar.
  • Accepted Abstracts can be published in ASSAM International Refereed Journal (https://dergipark.org.tr/assam) which is in the status of International Refereed Journal according to the Turkish Academic Incentive Directive. 


Our congress invitees are requested to complete the registration form for reservation. >  https://goo.gl/8KMZpM

For further information please contact +90 555 000 58 00 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

2024 - 2027 ASRICA Islamic Union Model Seeking for Solutions to Crises Congress Series




Based on the idea that the prosperity of Muslim Nations, the survival of the states they established, the establishment of peace in the world and the dominance of justice are possible with the emergence of Islamic Countries on the world political stage as a superpower; to carry out intellectual studies that will provide;

  1. Muslim States; Creating a database regarding national power elements for each of them,
  2. Conducting individual and joint internal and external threat assessments,
  3. Determination of internal and external security plan principles and establishment and development of institutions needed to gather under a common will and the principles of organization of these institutions,



ASSAM Congresses; To make determinations on an academic and political basis regarding current problems in world politics, especially the Geography of Islamic Countries; to propose solutions to international, regional and local crises; To determine the necessary institutions for the gathering of Islamic Countries under one will and to create the necessary legislative models for these institutions; It aims to present a solution to the Islamic World and decision makers.

The First Series of ASRICA Islamic Union Model International Congresses was held as a series of seven international congresses between 2017 and 2023.

As a result of the seven congresses held, the necessary institutions for the Islamic Countries to form a Union were studied, and a legislative model and a model constitution for these institutions were established. The studies have been published on international platforms and at https://assam.org.tr and https://assamcongress.com




The main focus of the second congress series, which will be held in the 4-year period between 2024 and 2027, to propose solutions to the crises in the regions concerning the Islamic Geography. The topics were chosen as follows;

  1. ASRICA Islamic Union Model "Seeking a Solution to the Crises in the Middle East - ODBIF and North Africa - KABIF Region" Congress (2024)
  2. ASRICA Islamic Union Model "Seeking a Solution to the Crises in the Europe - ABIF and Near East Asia - YDABIF Region" Congress (2025)
  3. ASRICA Islamic Union Model "Seeking a Solution to the Crises of the Central Asia - OABIF and South East Asia - GDABIF Region" Congress (2026)
  4. ASRICA Islamic Union Model "Seeking a Solution to the Crises in the East Africa - DABIF, South West Africa - GBABIF, North West Africa - KBABIF Region" Congress (2027)

The congress series to be held between 2024 and 2027 is called ASRICA Islamic Union Model Seeking for Solutions to Crises Congress Series.

The congress language will be Turkish, English and Arabic. Simultaneous translation will be provided during the presentation of the papers. Abstracts and papers will be compiled into books and published electronically on the ASSAM Congress WEB Site, and the papers will also be published electronically in the ASSAM International Refereed Journal (ASSAM-UHAD). Those who send papers to our congress and want to have their papers published in our ASSAM International Refereed Journal (UHAD) must prepare their papers in accordance with the paper preparation format of our refereed journal and upload them to the system via the link below. The link to the peer-reviewed journal is https://dergipark.org.tr/assam. Papers/articles will be published in the peer-reviewed journal after going through the referee process.

Congress Result Reports to be prepared for execution will be sent to decision-making mechanisms and all guests and participants from the Islamic World and will be published on the ASSAM Congress WEB Site.

Meet The Team

Organizing Committee

Prof Dr Mehmet ZELKA


Yrd Doç Dr Ali Fuat GÖKÇE 




Gürcan ONAT


What We Do


THURSDAY, 23rd NOVEMBER, 2017 09.00-10.00 REGISTRATION 10.00-12.00 OPENING AND PROTOCOL SPEECHES · Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali Fuat GÖKÇE · Chief Adviser of the President of Turkish Republic and ASSAM President…

About Us

ASSAM "Müslüman Milletlerin refahı, kurdukları devletlerin bekası, Dünyada barışın tesisi ve adaletin hâkimiyetinin, İslam Ülkelerinin bir süper güç olarak Dünya siyaset sahnesine çıkması ile mümkün olabileceği düşüncesinden hareketle; Müslüman Devletlerin;…

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