3nd Congress (73)
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3rd International ASSAM Islamic Union Congress Declarations Book is Published
Click here to download 3rd International ASSAM Islamic Union Congress Declarations Book
Of the 193 States that are members of the United Nations Organization, 61 (31% of the number of members) are Muslim countries.
1.85 Billion of the World Population of 7.632 billion (24.1% of the World Population) is the people of Muslim States, 30.9 million Km2 of the world land which is 150 million Km2 (20.6% of the Lands) are the lands of 61 Islamic Countries.
ISLAMIC WORLD which owns 55.5% of the world's oil reserves,65% of its production also 64.1% of natural gas reserves, 1 40% of its production; It has the potential to be the superpower of the future in ASRICA (ASIA-AFRICA) by combining its geopolitical position, common civilization values and historical background with its opportunities, efforts and goals.
3. Uluslararası ASSAM İslam Birliği Kongresine konuşmacı olarak katılan Oğuzhan AKYENER tarafından hazırlanan "Müslüman Ülkeler Arasında Entegre Bir Enerji Güvenliği Modelinin Geliştirilmesinin Önemi" konulu bildiri sunulmuştur.
2. Gün Asya Salonu 1. Oturum Katılım Belgesi Takdimi Bölümü
ASRİKA Ortak Savunma Sanayi Üretimi konulu 3. Uluslararası ASSAM İslam Birliği Kongresinde 2. günün ilk oturumunda Afrika salonunda gerçekelşen oturumun bitmesinden sonra bildiri sunanlara katılım belgesi takdim edilmiştir.