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Model ASRICA Confederation Public Order and Internal Security Organization

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The aim of the International ASSAM Islamic Union Model Congresses is to make determinations on an academic and political basis regarding current problems in world politics, especially in the Islamic Countries, and to present a solution to the Islamic World and decision-makers about the necessary institutions for the gathering of Islamic Countries under a will and the necessary legislation for these institutions.

It was decided to ensure the continuity of the International ASSAM Islamic Union Model Congresses as a result of consultation with the NGO Representatives and academicians from 27 Islamic Countries participating in the First Congress.

Taking into account the main fields of activity of the states, “International ASSAM Islamic Union Model Congresses” series, the first of which was held in 2017, the second in 2018, the third in 2019, the fourth in 2020, and the fifth in 2021, and planned to be held every year, will be implemented this year and in the following years, main topics are;

  1. Determination of the Legislation on Management Figures and Organs for the Islamic Union (2017-CARRIED OUT)
  2. Determination of Principles and Procedures of Economic Cooperation for the Islamic Union (2018-CARRIED OUT)
  3. Determination of Principles and Procedures of Defense Industry Cooperation for the Islamic Union (2019-CARRIED OUT)
  4. Determination of Principles and Procedures of Common Defense System for the Islamic Union (2020-CARRIED OUT)
  5. Determination of Principles and Procedures of Joint Foreign Policy for the Islamic Union (2021-CARRIED OUT)
  6. Determination of Principles and Procedures of Common Assistance and Security for the Islamic Union (2022),
  7. Determination of Principles and Procedures of Joint Justice System for the Islamic Union (2023)

It is aimed that the institutions required for the gathering of Islamic countries under one will and the legislation of these institutions will be revealed as a model.

The first congress was held in Istanbul, where the ASSAM central office is located, on 23-24 November 2017, in cooperation with Üsküdar University, the Association of Justice Defenders (ASDER) and the Union of Non-Governmental Organizations of the Islamic World (UNIW).

Representatives of Non-Governmental Organizations and academicians from 27 Islamic Countries attended the First International ASSAM Islamic Union Model Congress, abstracts were presented by 31 academicians from 11 countries and the presentations were published on the ASSAM Congress website. [[i]]

As a result of the congress, it was concluded that the “Islamic Countries Parliament” should be established and a “Ministry of Islamic Union” should be established in the Council of Ministers of each Islamic Country and the “Declaration of the Islamic Countries Confederation” approved by the ASSAM Executive Board; It was signed by 109 NGO officials, 29 from Islamic countries and 80 from Turkey, and announced to the world public opinion through the press. [[ii]]

In addition, a model Constitution draft was prepared for the confederation of Islamic Countries, taking into account the provisions emphasized in the declarations. [[iii]]

Our second congress was held in Istanbul, where the ASSAM central office is located, on November 1-2, 2018, in cooperation with Üsküdar University, Justice Defenders Association, the Union of Non-Governmental Organizations of the Islamic World (UNIW) and International Union of Muslim Scholars (IUMS).

To the Second International ASSAM Islamic Union Model Congress; Representatives of Non-Governmental Organizations and academicians from 29 Islamic Countries participated, 58 declarations were presented by 66 academicians from 15 countries, and the presentations were published electronically in the ASSAM Congress WEB Site.

Taking into account the declarations presented in the Second Congress and the Congress final report, the Second Congress Declaration, including the First Congress Declaration, was prepared, presented to the decision-making mechanisms, all guests and participants from the Islamic World, and the world public opinion, and published on our ASSAM Congress WEB Site. [[iv]]

Representatives of NGOs and academicians from 45 Islamic Countries attended Third International ASSAM Islamic Union Model Congress and 58 declarations were presented by 57 academicians from 10 countries. Congress Final Declaration [[v]] and Abstracts [[vi]] have been published on the ASSAM Congress website.

Fourth International ASSAM Islamic Union Model Congress is held on Determination of Principles and Procedures of Common Defense System for the Islamic Union with the main theme of “ASRICA Confederation Defense System” through video-conference method on December 12, 2020 with the participation of Üsküdar University (UU), Justice Defenders Association (ASDER) and Union of NGOs of the Islamic World (UNIW) in Istanbul.

28 academicians from 15 Islamic Countries presented 27 declarations in the Fourth International ASSAM Islamic Union Model Congress. The Congress Declaration [[vii]] and Declarations Abstracts [[viii]] and the Declaration Full Textbook [[ix]], including the first, second and third congress declarations, have been published on our ASSAM Congress WEB site.

Fifth International ASSAM Islamic Union Model Congress will be held on December 18-19, 2021 by video-conference method in Istanbul with the participation of Justice Defenders Association (ASDER) and Union of NGOs of the Islamic World (UNIW) on Determination of Principles and Procedures of Joint Foreign Policy for the Islamic Union will be carried out with the main theme of “Model ASRICA Confederation Foreign Policy Strategy”.

37 academicians from 19 Islamic Countries presented 39 declarations in the Fifth International ASSAM Islamic Union Model Congress. The Congress Declaration [[x]] and Declarations Abstracts [[xi]] and the Declaration Full Textbook [[xii]], including the First, Second, Third and Fourth Congress Declarations, have been published on our ASSAM Congress WEB site.

Within the body and coordination of ASSAM, Video-Conference method will be applied this year, in the first of our two subsequent congresses planned to be held. Our congress will be held with the participation and organization of Justice Defenders Association (ASDER), The Union of NGOs of the Islamic World (UNIW), International Union of Muslim Scholars (IUMS). The congress to be held in 2023 is planned to be held face-to-face in cooperation with the Union of NGOs of the Islamic World.

The languages of the congress will be Turkish, English and Arabic. Presentations will be interpreted simultaneously (instantly). Abstracts and declarations will be published in the ASSAM Congress WEB site by publishing into a book and placed electronically in the ASSAM International Refereed Journal (ASSAM-UHAD). Those who want to have their declarations published in our ASSAM International Refereed Journal (UHAD) who sent declarations to our congress should prepare their declarations in accordance with the declarations preparation format of our refereed journal [xiii] and upload them to the system via the link given below. The link to the refereed journal is below. [xiv] Declarations/articles in the refereed journal will be published after the refereeing process.

The Congress Conclusion Reports to be prepared for execution will also be sent to decision-making mechanisms and all invitees and participants from the Islamic World and will be published on the ASSAM Congress WEB Site.



57 of the 206 States in the World (29% of the Member States), 1.859.779.580 billion of the 7,916.525,000 billion World Population (23.49% of the World Population), the Islamic Geography, which is owned by 57 Islamic Countries, covers 30.9 million km2 (20.6% of the Lands of the Whole World) of the world's 150 million km2, with the bloc they formed when the borders between them are ignored:

  • Which is located in the center of the continents of Asia, Europe and Africa, known as the world island,
  • Which is controlling the Gibraltar, Bab-El Mendeb, Çanakkale and Istanbul straits and the Suez Canal, which are considered the gateways to the Mediterranean, Red Sea and Black Sea, which is the world's largest inland seas,
  • Which have coasts to the Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Mediterranean, Black Sea, Red Sea and Caspian Sea,
  • Which is bordered by land and sea to the continents of Asia, Europe and Africa, to the global powers of the world such as the European Union, Russia, India and, China, and to the United States by sea,
  • Which have the opportunity to be the center of the land, air and sea transportation routes without alternatives,
  • Which owns 55.5% of the world's oil reserves, 45.6% of its production also 64.1% of natural gas reserves, 33% of its production,

By combining its geopolitical position, common civilization values and historical background with its opportunities, efforts and goals, it has the potential to become the superpower of the future.



In its geography where it should be sovereign, the Islamic World has become the site of the undeclared, secret, insidious, dirty and asymmetric World War III, in which the ethnic and sectarian units within the unitary structures of each Islamic Country are fighting each other.

Despite the advantages they have, Islamic countries have fallen into a great turmoil with the interventions of the imperialist western states. As a result of this turmoil, great suffering and destruction are experienced in the Islamic countries. Millions of Muslims are forced to choose between leaving their homes or dying. Thousands of Muslims die in various ways on the migration routes, and those who manage to migrate are doomed to live in poverty and misery.

According to the official data of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, as of 2021, according to official records, 6.6 million Syrian citizens immigrated around the world. ([xv]) This figure is even higher with unregistered refugees. Syrian Refugees migrated to Turkey (3.645.140), Iraq (242.163), Jordan (662.790), Egypt (130.577), Lebanon (865531) and other countries in North Africa (31.657). Apart from these figures, there are intense attempts to migrate to Europe and most of them lose their lives in the Mediterranean. Despite these adversities, the total number of registered refugees crossing into Europe from April 2011 to January 2021 was 1,022,142. ([xvi])

The World War III is being waged as an undeclared war (Hybrid War) against Islamic Countries. After the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, the Muslims, who were left without a government, tried to continue their existence by establishing small states, but because they lost their unity and solidarity, they became an easy to swallow for global powers. The United States, European Union, England, France, Russia and China aim to establish authority in Islamic Countries by waging proxy wars with the terrorist organizations they control and the asymmetric war methods they apply in order to seize the Islamic Geography.



Our congress will be held on November 12-13, 2022 with the organization. In our congress, the subject of “Determination of Common Public Order and Security Principles and Procedures for the Islamic Union” will be examined under the main theme of “Model ASRICA Confederation Public Order and Internal Security Organization”.

The topics of the declarations to be presented by the academicians who will participate in the Sixth International ASSAM Islamic Union Model Congress with the participation of Justice Defenders Association (ASDER), The Union of NGOs of the Islamic World (UNIW), International Union of Muslim Scholars (IUMS), will be examined under the following headings.



1. Principles and procedures in the organization of the administrative structures of the global powers in the past related to public order and internal security;

  1. Principles and procedures of the Organization for Public Order and Internal Security in the Roman Empire,
  2. Principles and procedures of the Organization for Public Order and Internal Security in the Byzantine Empire,
  3. Principles and procedures of the Organization for Public Order and Internal Security in the Islamic State during the Time of the Prophet Muhammad,
  4. Principles and procedures of the Organization for Public Order and Internal Security in the Umayyad Caliphate,
  5. Principles and procedures of the Organization for Public Order and Internal Security in the Abbasid Caliphate,
  6. Principles and procedures of the Organization for Public Order and Internal Security in the Seljuk Empire,
  7. Principles and procedures of the Organization for Public Order and Internal Security in the Ottoman Empire,

2. Organizational principles and procedures of the administrative structures of today's global powers related to public order and internal security (Local Authority, security in cities, rural areas, coasts and borders);

  1. Principles and procedures of the Organization for Public Order and Internal Security in the United States of America,
  2. Principles and procedures of the Organization for Public Order and Internal Security in the Russian Federation,
  3. Principles and procedures of the Organization for Public Order and Internal Security in the Republic of South Africa,
  4. Principles and procedures of the Organization for Public Order and Internal Security in the European Union,
  5. Principles and procedures of the Organization for Public Order and Internal Security in the People’s Republic of China,
  6. Principles and procedures of the Organization for Public Order and Internal Security in the Republic of India.

3. The envisaged public order and internal security (Local Authority, security in cities, rural areas, coasts and borders) organization of Model ASRICA Confederation;

  1. Model ASRICA Islamic Countries Confederation Constitution on the Provision of Security and Public Order
  2. Model ASRICA Islamic Countries Confederation Constitution on the Provision-to-be-added of Security and Public Order
  3. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Model ASRICA Confederation, which is carried out from the Center;
    1. Central Organization, powers and responsibilities,
    2. Police, Gendarmerie, Coastal and Border Protection Organization in Regional Federations, their powers and responsibilities,
    3. Police, Gendarmerie, Coastal and Border Protection Organization in National States, their powers and responsibilities,
  4. Organization, powers and responsibilities in (Local Authority, security in cities, rural areas, coasts and borders) of the Model ASRICA Islamic Countries Confederation Ministry of Interior.






  1. Abstract submission deadline : July 15, 2022
  2. Announcement of accepted papers : August 15, 2022
  3. Deadline for submission of full texts : September 15, 2022
  4. CONGRESS DATE : November 12-13, 2022


















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